Need some tips on what to do please!


I am banned!
hello, so I just started a Test Enanthate (500mg pr week) and Anadrol (50mg a day) cycle..

but the problem is.. my bodyfat% is quite high (I'm skinnyfat) and I honestly don't know what to do..

- should I continue the cycle as Test E + Anadrol and bulk up despite having high bodyfat%?

- should I drop the Anadrol and keep the Test E and go on a cutting diet?

- or should I use both Test E and Anadrol and cut?

I'm not sure which ones of the above I should do.. what do you recommend?

I feel like bulking while having so high bodyfat% is pretty stupid, but I also feel if I cut, it'd be a wasted cycle. I'm not sure whether I should bulk or cut, I'm also not sure whether I should keep the Anadrol or drop it

what should I do with this cycle?? please give some advice

thank you!
to quote someone in another form from years ago "Masstill death. I'm hardcore."

Figure out your TDEE and keep your diet online with your weight. "Bulking" does not mean gaining as much fat as muscle and "cutting" basically uses AAS to hold onto muscle mass while not eating enough.

Diet not drugs. you can cut or bulk on a test cycle.
hello, so I just started a Test Enanthate (500mg pr week) and Anadrol (50mg a day) cycle..

but the problem is.. my bodyfat% is quite high (I'm skinnyfat) and I honestly don't know what to do..

- should I continue the cycle as Test E + Anadrol and bulk up despite having high bodyfat%?

- should I drop the Anadrol and keep the Test E and go on a cutting diet?

- or should I use both Test E and Anadrol and cut?

I'm not sure which ones of the above I should do.. what do you recommend?

I feel like bulking while having so high bodyfat% is pretty stupid, but I also feel if I cut, it'd be a wasted cycle. I'm not sure whether I should bulk or cut, I'm also not sure whether I should keep the Anadrol or drop it

what should I do with this cycle?? please give some advice

thank you!

This is what I'm talking about mr "Troller" I say that as I've said before.... You continue to ask Q's knowing basically the answer. Then you do not give us the most important info we need to answer anyone's Q's... Stats and your entire protocol for this cycle.

YOU have been here long enough , looking at your post #'s of 30. Your Q's lack information... "STATS"

Also how fat are you, how big are you, WHAT is your GOAL for this cycle and from there on.....

People don't know you if you have already put out your stats on a different thread. Most everyone on here knows me by now but they don't remember my stats or goals... lol except for OMM to last a few more years.

I'll suggest you get to understanding just how AAS works. What does Testosterone do to enhance building muscle tissue. What is you idea of bulking and or cutting. This is an important Q' for you to understand the meaning.

Now I'm gonna suggest you think about your Posts / Questions and before you put it out there, look see, if you are giving us all the info needed to give an intelligent answer to your Q's. Look at your Q's and as you read it, think of what you would ask back to the OP.

Start giving us pertinent information to be able to answer your Q's. Reread your Q' ^^^ above and fill in the blanks as to what all info you need to give the members in order to set your Q's in a more real time situation. I went back and reread many of your posts. So when we ask what your age is or any other stat , you need to answer our Q's if you want answers to ours. Don't come back with "Why" ... how old are you... "Why" ...... :rant:

Next time start with your stats then your proposed entire cycle protocol and the Goal. Then ask pertinent Q's as to your cycle ideas, additions and the like.

I was going to give an In-depth answer.

But after reading "Oldmusclemike's" response.

I'm just going to Bump his post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.......................... JP
I was going to give an In-depth answer.

But after reading "Oldmusclemike's" response.

I'm just going to Bump his post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.......................... JP

Ooops :chimney: Hopefully I have not offended members here, but to shed some light onto OP that there are serious people on this board with tremendous knowledge and experience. I might add they have some years of wisdom to boot. It comes off VERY demeaning to be mocked or teased and made light of their helping attention and advice they give on this forum.

I find that humor is a good thing anywhere and on this forum. Some of us have been talking for years and joke around. Hey this is our lives and past times. :laugh: but of course, this place is a discussion, teaching and learning forum , entertaining yes but it's not a comedy show. IMOP. OP Again I'm gonna ask you to think and do some of your own research before you start a thread or post , most


We're good jp.. ?
ignore all stupid advice.

what you should do is keep the test e and anadrol and go on a cutting diet. bulking while having high bodyfat% is just fukin stupid.

keep the test e and anadrol, train hard and eat in a deficit. your diet will make you lose fat and test e+anadrol will make you build muscle+strength while cutting

so you'll build muscle+lose fat at the same time. it's a win-win

thank you! that's actually very helpful

finally a good answer in this thread.
He used both his accounts again. Lol

For anyone reading, guest or new member, who is researching, click the person's name and then read their forum post. It is a good way of seeing how someone posts, what they post, and learn very quickly. Many members like OMM, JP, LateStart, Milton, 3J and dozens of others drop incredible knowledge and experience.
Nothing I post is above the level of what's written in stickies and reading steroid profiles.

My niche is epilepsy/meds/side effects/TRT.
For anyone reading, guest or new member, who is researching, click the person's name and then read their forum post. It is a good way of seeing how someone posts, what they post, and learn very quickly. Many members like OMM, JP, LateStart, Milton, 3J and dozens of others drop incredible knowledge and experience.

Thanks Mycelium , those who have been here for a while respect and welcome the incredible testimonies and information you add to this forum by the nature of your Personal Experience dealing with healing from injuries and the use of AAS for that.

can someone answer my question please??

ignore all stupid advice.

what you should do is keep the test e and anadrol and go on a cutting diet. bulking while having high bodyfat% is just fukin stupid.

keep the test e and anadrol, train hard and eat in a deficit. your diet will make you lose fat and test e+anadrol will make you build muscle+strength while cutting

so you'll build muscle+lose fat at the same time. it's a win-win

thank you! that's actually very helpful

finally a good answer in this thread.

I'm gonna call attention to the three posts above... and make this comment. Steroidology has no room or need for any patronizing ,mocking type of posts. I'll not argue or go into any further discussion with you two above in regard to to my / this post and comment.

I will ask you both to refrain from role playing and some of the foolish questions only to mock the members intelligence and the general purpose of this forum.

I must add this ^^^ IMOP.

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