Need the right set-up


New member
I'm going to start training very soon, but my knowledge in what I need to be eating and taking is very weak. I'm 18 Years old, 160 Pounds 5"11. Alot of my friends have been taking dianabols but everywhere i seem read says it's not very effective. I'm looking to increase my muscle mass, but don't really like the idea of injecting. Also what supplements such as proteins would I need to be taking, and what do I need to concentrate on taking in when eating.
Right now you need to take steroids out of the question. You need to put full effort into your training and nutrition. Steroids do not create muscle they only aid. What you need to do is stay here on Steroidology and learn about training and diet first. Once you have done that start researching anabolic steroids. A few supplements to take are whey protein, a multi vitamin, and an anti oxidant. But as I suggested stick around Steroidology and learn as much as you can its all right in front of you.