Need2slin Review

I still have some weights going up. I thought this would be worth mentioning, I gained about 4lbs on a 6 week 1-T cycle. In 2nd week of PCT I believe, Ive gained 5lbs.

So through 2 weeks of PCT I have gained more weight on need2slin than I did during a 6 week cycle of 1-T.
I still have some weights going up. I thought this would be worth mentioning, I gained about 4lbs on a 6 week 1-T cycle. In 2nd week of PCT I believe, Ive gained 5lbs.

So through 2 weeks of PCT I have gained more weight on need2slin than I did during a 6 week cycle of 1-T.

Hell yeah bro, thats what were talking about!!!! I said we made this too strong lol.
Need2slin has to be related with the supplement and improved use of carbohydrates? The energy is very intense, endurance, resistance. Is not the mental energy that other supps provide. With this, mentally is the same, you can be tired, but if you move weights, you can keep going without feeling fatigue, or tiredness.
This was quiet awile back, but last I remember asking you a similiar question you were at "195". Drop a couple bf and add some LBM?

I might have written it wrong, this is the heaviest Ive ever been. Summer I was 168 then Before I started my 1-T cycle I got up to around 183, before post cycle therapy (pct) I hit 188, since then Ive gotten up to where Im at now at 192-194.

Def. Added some muscle, but BF hasnt changed much, so theres some fat gain there as well. Shit happens. I have about 2 months until 90 degrees so Im going to eat clean here on and and hope to stay around 190 through summer and stay lean.

What are you at now?
Need2slin has to be related with the supplement and improved use of carbohydrates? The energy is very intense, endurance, resistance. Is not the mental energy that other supps provide. With this, mentally is the same, you can be tired, but if you move weights, you can keep going without feeling fatigue, or tiredness.

Theres a lot of times Im not getting the sleep I would like, have a coffee show up to the gym and move just as much weight if not more. Need2slin def. works theres no doubt about that.
Strength was up today again on Need2slin...pumps at the end of training were ridiculous. I could barely pick up my arms. I dont want this run of Need2slin to end lol
how long will be be taking it for? if i am not mistaken, you have been on it for almost a month now? if you had to review it as of now, what would you say? what do you like about it? anything you dont like about it?
how long will be be taking it for? if i am not mistaken, you have been on it for almost a month now? if you had to review it as of now, what would you say? what do you like about it? anything you dont like about it?

I think this is my 4th week. Ill be on it for another 2 weeks give or take a few days.

I would take it again for sure.


Strength Increases
More Vascular
Weight Gain
Great Pumps



* I love the fact that even if I have trouble sleeping I still can increase weights and have plenty of energy to lift. As much as I love the product trying to gain weight, I wish I could have used it to cut. I def. feel that if I wasnt taking in so many calories a day I would be getting pretty cut up. Its unfair for me to say I should have lost fat while gain muscle with this product because that really wasnt my goal.

Hope this helps.
yes it does. how long did it take for you to get your order? n keep the posts going i am really interested in this supplement n am looking to start it in may
Took yesterday off, was going to do cardio but the gym closed early.

Had a good shoulder workout today despite having a couple drinks last night.
Great leg workout today, weight is still holding steady at 192lbs. I have backed off a little and tried to clean up the diet a lot so thats a big reason im not gaining like crazy of the need2slin anymore.

I do feel I am losing some fat now tho as well as gaining some size, Havent seen any new stretch marks since I got up to around 185lbs last winter but the last week or so Im getting some nice ones down my lats/delts and some nice ones on my legs. Gotta love getting bigger.