Need2slin Review

Shoulders Friday- PR on DB shoulder press got the 90's for 3-4

Sat-Sun_ off

Today: Drove 8hrs on 3hrs of sleep. Im too dead to do anything.

I feel like Im looking a lot leaner and more vascular though.
Maybe try 4 caps a day, 1 first thing am, 1 midday, 1 afternoon, and one on an empty stomach pre bed, and take all 30 mins before food an an empty stomach.

It hasnt effected sleep in any of the other 7 or 8 logs ive seen, but 4 caps a day spaced like i mentioned above seems to be giving the best results to users, with minimal bloat and maximal fat loss and lbm gains.

If the dosing you are using is working then you can keep going with it. Nothing wrong with switching it up ether to the way star is talking about.

So far the 3 doses a day method am/mid day before work outs/and the last one taken before bed has been working the best for all users. 1-2 caps each time. I think you would do fine with just 1 cap each time and this will make the product last longer too.

Of course everyone has the way they like it and the way they would like to see others use it but thats the same with any product. I say if it ain't broke then don't fix it. Keep going and let the product do its job the way its been working for you..

Great work so far my friend and I know when this is over you will be a believer in ntbm products for life. Like all people who use our products.
Hope you had a great week end off my friend. We all need that little bit of time with the loved ones to relax and enjoy the finer parts of life.
Hope you had a great week end off my friend. We all need that little bit of time with the loved ones to relax and enjoy the finer parts of life.

you can say that again.

Im going to post a link to my log in the beginning of this review, incase i forget to post or anyone wants to see what im doing.
Last couple days I trained back and shoulders.

Some weights have been up, nothing really has been down. Still getting great pumps.

I can say with 100% certainty I have more veins showing in my shoulders/chest.

Id love to see what this stuff would do If I was trying to cut.
Last couple days I trained back and shoulders.

Some weights have been up, nothing really has been down. Still getting great pumps.

I can say with 100% certainty I have more veins showing in my shoulders/chest.

Id love to see what this stuff would do If I was trying to cut.

NICE feedback bro!
How many carbs are you downin with the slin?

1 cap...40-70g for breakfast

1 cap...<10g at night

1 cap..either pre-post workout, sometimes I switch to see what works best, if its before I'll have between 20-40g depending on the amount of fruit/yogurt I have.
Havent been able to take in near enough cals as I need to the last couple days. I havent been able to sleep or eat, its mad gay I wont even lie, but girls do that to you, especially when you dont want to lose them.

Anyways, Hit the gym real hard monday, chest/tri..great workout, crazy pumps and nice strength.

Skipped tuesday, 0-2hrs of sleep. maybe 1200cals for the day, drove 7hrs.

Wed. bout 5hrs sleep, maybe 2500 cals, hit back nice and hard, moved some nice weight. Had a couple guys come up to me and ask what I was on because "there was no way I can move that kind of weight DL, whats my secret and what Are you on?"

Took it as a cmpliment as these guys were fk'in huge and ripped, basically where I want to be.

Today Ill be hitting either shoulders or legs? lower back is sore so havent made up my mind.

Again only about 1000cals if that today.

not a good time as I just started PCT today, but over the last 3 days Its been like mini cut lol, have a lot of veins and more definition. strength hasnt gone down a bit, up if anything.
Even after coming off 1-T and starting PCT I have gained about 3lbs, on nothing but need2slin, sustain alpha and forged PCT.

Strength is still rising. Im seeing more veins but dont necessarily see myself getting any leaner right now. But I still take in a ton of calories so thats obviously not going to help.

Did legs today, I had trouble walking out of the gym my legs were so pumped, I can honestly say they have never been this pumped before, i felt like i was walking with a stick up my ass.
Even after coming off 1-T and starting post cycle therapy (pct) I have gained about 3lbs, on nothing but need2slin, sustain alpha and forged post cycle therapy (pct).

Strength is still rising. Im seeing more veins but dont necessarily see myself getting any leaner right now. But I still take in a ton of calories so thats obviously not going to help.

Did legs today, I had trouble walking out of the gym my legs were so pumped, I can honestly say they have never been this pumped before, i felt like i was walking with a stick up my ass.

Great Pumps and strength today(chest). I feel like my recovery is getting better and Im not struggling as much banging out higher reps.
Great Back workout yesterday. Its kind of weird but Its almost like Im having trouble feeling exhausted if that makes since, I will do a bunch of volume with heavy weight but when I leave I still feel like I should be there for another hr.

Veins are still coming in and still feeling bigger.