Needle size for diff sites???


New member
Hey guys I'm just curious what size needles both gauge and length are used for diff sites? I'm doing I'm injections. Did research but got conflicting opinions.

What size/length for lats,delts.pecs and quads?

I have been doing glute with 23g 1.5inch they work fine.
But as I have done delt,lat,pec and quad shots with this size or causes a lot of pip even when not going all in with the full 1.5inch

Before I purchase new needles I want to know what size and length is best for lats,delts, and pecs?

Also I am sure the pip is from the needle being too big maybe.
I don't get pip I'my glute at all.
I don't bother with glutes anymore, so I use 25g/ 1" for everything - quads, ventro glutes, delts and pecs.

I've had no problems hitting VGs, pecs and delts with 5/8" pins, but the one time I tried doing my quad with 5/8" I was crippled for days - I believe the tren/prop (2mL approx) leaked back out of the muscle and went sub-Q, but I could be wrong. Hasn't ever happened with a 1" pin.
So sub q hurts more? I don't think that's why I have more pip I'm pretty lean so going in 1 inch in delts pecs and lats is def in the muscle. Probably for quads too. Glutes I need 1.5 for sure
I think I'm gonna go with 25g 1 inch for delts,lats and pecs. How does that sound? Will it work for quads or should I stick with the 23g 1.5?

Also can going to deep cause more pip? Also these are Virgin muscles too that could be it. But the pip has been lasting 5 days and messing my lifts up.
Hey guys I'm just curious what size needles both gauge and length are used for diff sites? I'm doing I'm injections. Did research but got conflicting opinions.

What size/length for lats,delts.pecs and quads?

I have been doing glute with 23g 1.5inch they work fine.
But as I have done delt,lat,pec and quad shots with this size or causes a lot of pip even when not going all in with the full 1.5inch

Before I purchase new needles I want to know what size and length is best for lats,delts, and pecs?

Also I am sure the pip is from the needle being too big maybe.
I don't get pip I'my glute at all.

Why are u injecting lats and pecs??? unless u are injecting everyday there is no reason to be using anything other than glutes, quads, and delts... If twice per week never any reason to inject anywhere other than glutes

And I don't want hear the bullshit I read on hear about guys sayin they're too big to reach their glutes comfortably, I'm 5'10, 275 and have no problem at all
Why are u injecting lats and pecs??? unless u are injecting everyday there is no reason to be using anything other than glutes, quads, and delts... If twice per week never any reason to inject anywhere other than glutes

And I don't want hear the bullshit I read on hear about guys sayin they're too big to reach their glutes comfortably, I'm 5'10, 275 and have no problem at all

Agreed re: being too big to reach glutes....I'm not nearly big enough to be too inflexible to hit glutes. My reason not to anymore is that I was cranked around at the waist, pinning my left glute and my interstitial muscles + left lower back + right pec all decided to seize at the same time. Flexibility isn't the issue for me it's cramping when I'm doing contortions ;)
Why are u injecting lats and pecs??? unless u are injecting everyday there is no reason to be using anything other than glutes, quads, and delts... If twice per week never any reason to inject anywhere other than glutes

And I don't want hear the bullshit I read on hear about guys sayin they're too big to reach their glutes comfortably, I'm 5'10, 275 and have no problem at all
Ok !! Another guy my size. I have no problem either except rarely when I'm bent around like that I get a killer cramp in my side.
Why are u injecting lats and pecs??? unless u are injecting everyday there is no reason to be using anything other than glutes, quads, and delts... If twice per week never any reason to inject anywhere other than glutes

And I don't want hear the bullshit I read on hear about guys sayin they're too big to reach their glutes comfortably, I'm 5'10, 275 and have no problem at all

5'10" @275. That's huge player. Good for you
Why are u injecting lats and pecs??? unless u are injecting everyday there is no reason to be using anything other than glutes, quads, and delts... If twice per week never any reason to inject anywhere other than glutes

And I don't want hear the bullshit I read on hear about guys sayin they're too big to reach their glutes comfortably, I'm 5'10, 275 and have no problem at all

I have a lower back strain an I feel like everytime I inject it puts more pressure on that lower back as makes it's tighter. Idk if that's true but I do feel it worsen.
Also been using glutes for. While and want to give it a break to avoid scar tissue build up

Dude... I highly doubt u got any scar tissue there

I mainly used glutes as my go-to injection sites for the last 15 years and no scar tissue for me. If u like the pian of alternate injection sites I recommend trying calves ;)
Dude... I highly doubt u got any scar tissue there

I mainly used glutes as my go-to injection sites for the last 15 years and no scar tissue for me. If u like the pian of alternate injection sites I recommend trying calves ;)

If you like calves you'll love going through the nipples bro. Added bonus the gear is more effective due to all the "receptors" in the region ;)
At 5'5 200lbs I do have some cramping issues hitting glutes if I stay in the side twisted position too long. With me, injecting later in the day, post workout as opposed to say first thing in the morning when I'm a little more limber seems to help. I guess I could just stretch more or drop some bulk...but nahh fuck that lol
I use 23g'1 for everything, by that I mean filling up syringe and injecting, works perfectly fine.
In desperate cases I have used 22g'1, withdraws oil much quicker, but is more painful when pinning.
If they only have 1.5inch available and you need to pin delts, quads lats, i would go in the muscle 2/3's in with needle.

But if you have 23g'1, it is perfect
23G 1 inch right now. Its all I have. I gotta hunit of em. LOL. May go back to 25g cuz im pinning 3 times a week with not that much oil.
I use 23g'1 for everything, by that I mean filling up syringe and injecting, works perfectly fine.
In desperate cases I have used 22g'1, withdraws oil much quicker, but is more painful when pinning.
If they only have 1.5inch available and you need to pin delts, quads lats, i would go in the muscle 2/3's in with needle.

But if you have 23g'1, it is perfect

At your age and experience level u shouldn't be giving anyone advice yet...
Glutes 27g 1 1/4 or 25g 1 1/2
Quads 25g 5/8 or any thing over 1cc I use 25g 1inch
Delts I use 25g 5/8 or 25g 1 inch
I use 23g'1 for everything, by that I mean filling up syringe and injecting, works perfectly fine.
In desperate cases I have used 22g'1, withdraws oil much quicker, but is more painful when pinning.
If they only have 1.5inch available and you need to pin delts, quads lats, i would go in the muscle 2/3's in with needle.

But if you have 23g'1, it is perfect

No, those big darts are not needed. How thick is your gear? 25g is more the normal and even smaller gauges can be used with some labs if the oil is thin enough.