Needle Size question

You do NOT need to switch needles UNLESS you pulling from more then a couple of vials.
I pull from 2 and there is NOT any noticable difference. 3 or more....I switch.

Tell you what Bro, I'll put up an article just for you ;)
if you're worried about could always use a 29guage and tell me how long it takes to shoot 2cc's...
DirtyBird said:
SOrry guys, but i have another injection question, the time is closing in on my first injection and i just wanna make sure i know what im doin, but how many of you guys change your needle after you withdraw your gear. DO you change your needle befor injection? I read withrawing dulls the needle a bit, but i was wondering how much it would affect the injection.

I pull everything with a 23ga, then put the cap back on and switch it to a new 25 or a 23 depending on where I am shooting...always, even if I have only used it on one vial. I swab the area with rubbing alc. and let air dry, then inject. I figure a .20 cent pin is worth decreasing the risk of infection or abcess.
Old Balls said:
I pull everything with a 23ga, then put the cap back on and switch it to a new 25 or a 23 depending on where I am shooting...always, even if I have only used it on one vial. I swab the area with rubbing alc. and let air dry, then inject. I figure a .20 cent pin is worth decreasing the risk of infection or abcess.

How are you going to get an infection or abcess???