neee help with blood work question


New member
Ok, so I had blood work done 6 months after post cycle therapy (pct). Test levels came back normal as well as FSH & ON levels. But my results came saying that my prolactive level is high. What dose that mean ? Is it something that came be brought back down. Can someone help me understand this more thanks.
Type prolactin in the search bar. Basically the nandrolones and tren will cause an increase in progesterone. It's a necessary thing in our bodies but too much of it isn't good. People will take caber or prami to reduce their prolactin levels. Have you done tren or deca recently?
How high? Can you post your lab results with reference ranges? And do you have labs from before your cycle showing your baseline?
Type prolactin in the search bar. Basically the nandrolones and tren will cause an increase in progesterone. It's a necessary thing in our bodies but too much of it isn't good. People will take caber or prami to reduce their prolactin levels. Have you done tren or deca recently?

No I've never done Tren or Deca, but my last cycle test E, EQ and masteron E
How high? Can you post your lab results with reference ranges? And do you have labs from before your cycle showing your baseline?

I never received my results, my Dr called me and told me over the phone that my all my levels came back fine. Except my prolacton it was high. He said I shld have a level some where between 12ml and 18ml. Mine was 24ml,

I never received my results, my Dr called me and told me over the phone that my all my levels came back fine. Except my prolacton it was high. He said I shld have a level some where between 12ml and 18ml. Mine was 24ml,

Interesting. My Prolactin level also came back at 24 and that's before I started T cyp injections 3 weeks ago. I've never heard of Prolactin.

I never received my results, my Dr called me and told me over the phone that my all my levels came back fine. Except my prolacton it was high. He said I shld have a level some where between 12ml and 18ml. Mine was 24ml,

High prolactin can be a sign of a pituitary tumor. You may want to get an MRI done.

You could also have high estradiol. There is a good thread about this that was started a few days ago that you should check out.

I would definitely follow up on your high prolactin. Obviously, start by retesting it to confirm that it is still high.