are you only eating 3 meals a day?!?!?
first step is to bump that up to 6 smaller meals spaced out every 2.5-3hrs. no longer. this will keep your metabolism stimulated, balanced energy flows and with protein in each meal will have a steady amino acid flow in the bloodstream, as not to put you in a catabolic state(burning muscle).
-it doesnt appear as though your getting enough protein, or right choices either. if you find that getting in enough (I reccomend 1.5g/lb bodyweight...1g/lb minimum) then adding in a protein supplement may be to your benefit. good choices of protein include chicken(bonesless, skinless), all fish(even the fatty types), lean beef, egg whites(yolks in moderation), cottage cheese and whey protein. you should have a serving of this at each meal!
-as for carb choices you were right to drop the pasta and breads/sugars. the pancakes, hashbrowns and juice should go too. better choices include old fashioned oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, bran, beans/legumes, fiberous fruit in moderation and ALL fiberous green veggies( eat as many as those as you want to help fill you up and drive off those hunger pangs your expericing.)
-I see no sort of EFA's (healthy fats) in your diet either. Id reccomend 2-3 servings/day. good choices include olive oil,falx oil, fish oil caps and/or fatty fish, natural peanut butter, nuts&seeds in moderation, hempseed oil, Udo's oil, etc.
- what do you eat post workout? Ideally you want to be getting in a fast asbsorbing protein and carb source. those being whey protein and dextrose.. after your shake 1 hour later have a whole food meal consisting of lean protein and complex carbs only! no fats at this time, slows absorption too much and you want to feed those muscles after training by getting adequate nutrients to the muscle tissues.
-before bed you should be having a small protein and fat meal. some fiberous carbs are fine, but any complex source should be left out. cottage cheese is a great choice along with some healthy fats.
-how much water are you drinking daily? Aim for at least 1 gallon!
-you said that you usually eat at school. sounds as though its time to PACK some food. preparing things the night before is easy.
hope that helps.. start there and feel free to ask anymore questions