Never used steroids, looking to maybe start, I dont even know what to use?


Bulk shakes are rubbish, use real food for protein and calories, not 900calories if rubbish.

I disagree...even thou I posted that Mass shake 900 calories Shake.Maybe it's the brands.But I ONLY used Champion Nutrition 900 calories shake.It's loaded and if you worked out good and went to bed and drank the shake before bed.Waking up in the morning feeling pumped and well rested.I would drink this twice a day with Milk.Water makes me get up in the middle of the night to pee too much.

I went from 118 to 155 pounds in 1 year.In 2 years,I went to 175.I float around 177 to 185.

I've been up to 195 pounds And I'm 5'8".

I only stopped the Mass shake because I can now control my weigh with foods now.But I'm going to buy that shake again soon just for that feeling in the morning..very anabolic and positive nitrogen balance and pumped up feeling.No other protein or Mass shake does that feeling like the Champion Nutrition 900 Mass Shake does.

(Wow) I'm reading the directions of the Champion Nutrition 900 Mass shake and they want 4 scoops!! I used just 2 scoops btw throughtout the whole time I used it and drink the whole blender with milk.
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First off, welcome to the best site around for these topics.

Second, completely forget about AAS and PHs at the moment and for a great while. You have alot to learn, but thats are in the right place. Its just going to take some time. Read the threads everyday and check out the Steroid Profiles section above to begin to familiarize yourself with AAS. I suggest you take notes as you go.

Third, I completely agree with all other posters. Youre main focus right now should be food, diet and training. 3j is a great place to begin. I was looking for an edge and now he works with me and provided my current diet (and future diets) to meet my goals. This is all in preparation for my first cycle.
I laughed my ass off at the edit haha!

You need to do your homework, before i started any cycle I researched for literally over 2 years, and I still don't know half as much as some of the experts on here.

The price is completely dependant on which cycle you do, and research what PCT you will need (PCT is the most important thing about a cycle). Your diet should be clean, and 4000+ calories a day.. and you need to be extremely dedicated to your workout routine, and diet
This has already been said, but @ 6'1" and 155lbs your too small to be using steroids. At your age you already have so much natural testosteron production you can get massive gains.

Fix your diet and get a good workout plan & I promise you will get bigger. Don't mess w/ steroids until you've hit atleast 210 w/ a low body fat %.