New and intimidated!!!


New member
First-off let me say that as long as I have been on the web, this site is the very best source of information I have EVER seen!! A community of subject matter experts to be sure. Unfortunately for me, there is so much information that I am having trouble keeping it all straight and pulling out the facts that apply to me!
I'm 37 years old, 5' 5" 265, BF% unknown but estimate around 30%. 19" neck, 46" chest, 44" waist, 18" arms. I'm not interested in being a competative body builder, but I do want to lose body fat, and get big. I know that if I don't do something to get in shape I am going to die! I was a Green Beret for 6 years and was in great shape ten years ago, but I haven't really lifted weights since high school (20 years ago). I'd love to get on the juice but I have no source and I understand that I have a long way to go before my body will be ready for them anyway.
I recently took a job at the community center (working my way through RN school) where I have access to weights and cardio equipment. I haven't touched a weight in over 15 years, but yesterday I was just messing with some of the members and I benched 335 for 3 reps, (damn i'm sore today! :) ) Folks assume I lift weights so i guess I have some natural strength.
If anyone has a diet / workout designed for a ground zero newbie I would appreciate it more than you would know. Any advice you guys could give me would be appreciated a great deal. I'll continue to surf this site no matter what, I am very impressed with the depth of knowledge expressed here. I look forward to getting to know some of you.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post,

WTF!? You benched 335 for 3 reps without any training? I am jealous…..

Anyway, you should lose some fat first, 30% is way too much. If you get to at least 15% you will look AND feel a whole lot better, believe me. You were a green beret for 6 years so intensive cardio work-outs are no stranger to you.

As for the diet. Lower the carbs, lots of protein and moderate fat. I cannot make a complete diet for you. Try to search for some high protein, low carb moderate fat stuff in the grocery store.

As for the training. I am a full-body work out fan. There are so many trainings systems out there. Search the internet and use a training method which you think is best for you. If you don’t make any gains try another method.
I appreciate the reply Aluw, I am starting from scratch to be sure. As far as being jealous don't be..... this is the second day after my little bench episode and I can barely touch my nose! Lol! Mopping floors today was agony, I don't think I'll be repeating that little feat anytime soon.
I can see that I am going to have to start slow and work my way back into this. Do you see my age being a limiting factor as far as intensity pace are concerned? All I have ever known is two speeds... wide open and shut off, I am goind to have to find some middle ground at least till my body gets used to putting out the effort again.
2 questions:
Supplements: I take a multivitiamin and I have some creatin that a friend reccommended that I take. Any other suggestions? I was thinking about that stuff that got the MArc McQuire in trouble. It it still legal / available? I also saw a post on this site for the fat burner Thermorexin. What do you think?
Secondly, to be honest, I was planning on doing my lifting during the couple of hours I'm at the community center alone after closing time. I won't have a training partner so there is an obvious problem with me pushing to complete failure. Can I still get results working alone?
I played competitive sports all my life but after my wife and I had kids I lost motivation to work out cuz I was so tired...needless to say this forum heldped me out. I took the advice to stack and cycle ECAY before workouts and it has really helped. I've dropped from 200 to 185 and went from 20 to 15 bf% in a few months.

Ephedrine hcl/caffeine/aspirin/Yohimbine hcl -

There's plenty of info on ECA stack here, and I'm no expert but it helped. I have low blood pressure and normal cholestorol so I don't consider Ephedrine a major risk at 25mg per dose. Check that out first and with some of the mods here...
ECA stacks are great fatburners with not to many side effects. Just watch your blood pressure. And if you have a hearth condition you shouldn’t use it. ECA stands for Ephedrine Cafeine Asperine.
Yohimbine works great too, but it got me nervous as hell so I wont use that again.

For supplements I would recommend a good multivitamin and a good protein powder.
There are some more supplements out there that are worth trying, but don’t expect too much from them.
Marc McQuire took pro-hormones. I don’t like them. The results from them are varying greatly from person to person. And the side-effects can be quite serious.
If you are going to use hormones you’d better use anabolic steroids. The side effects can be quite serious too, but the way they make your muscles grow is also quite serious.
But I don’t think you should use steroids now. You should first learn how to train properly, and probably you will have great gains the first 2 years without a.s. anyway.

It is no problem that you don’t have a trainings partner to push you till failure. Because going till failure is imho the biggest bullshit. Especially when you train without a.s. Going till failure puts an enormous stress on your body. Quit one or 2 reps before failure, it is imho a lot more effective in building muscle.
Is there a brand name ECA stack you can turn me on to? Is this ban I keep hearing about going to be a factor? (in other words do i need to stock up?) Only thing I have close to me here is a GNC.
Well, ECA is banned in Holland (that’s were I live). So I have to get ECA the same way as my a.s., I contact my supplier. It feels pretty bizarre to buy ECA the same way I buy a.s.
I have no idea if ECA is banned in America as well?
I used the ECA from MdoubleYou and from Advanced Nutrition, they were both called stackers.
Banned in Holland? Thatsucks! You can, smoke hash, eat mushroom omelettes, and buy pussy but You can't buy AS? That is a trip. I got lots of respect for you though, with all those temptations I would be useless... i'd pass my life away in some coffee shop! Maybe i'll see ya someday if I ever can afford to take a vacation there.
Holland has some strange laws. For example: it is legal to smoke, buy and sell pot. But it is still illegal to grow it (very low penalties though). It is legal to sell and buy fresh mushrooms. But when they are dried it’s illegal to sell them. And being a prostitute is just another job in Holland.
When weed and mushrooms were legalized you saw an increase in the use of it. But after a while the novelty wears off. Now pot is treated the same as alcohol by most people, it’s nice to use every once in a while. I like our liberal drug policy because it works. There is hardly any criminality anymore around the pot industry, and it is finally proven that pot is not physical addictive or leads to using harder drugs.