New at The game

super_silent said:
...I was 22 years old and took the advise of a friend without doing any research
and took Deca inj. and Dbol orals. Since then anytime I go for blood tests I'm told my liver enzymes are slightly elevated. I would imagine this was caused from the Dbol that's why I opted for the 1 cycle of Test inj.
Your elevated liver enzymes have nothing to do with the Deca or dbol that you took decades ago. Elevated liver enzymes are an indication of active liver damage, not past liver damage. Do you drink?
super_silent said:
I edited the name on the label out so as not to cause problems for anyone.
You are allowed to mention a lab name.
The doctor asks me if I drink everytime I have a blood test ! I'm not a drinker, never have been. I also get asked if I used hard drugs which the answer is also no. One doctor (sports doctor) once asked me if I ever took steroids and that's why I assumed it was caused by steroids.
cubanojoe said:
Dbol can damage your liver if you take high doses for a long period of time no?
Yes, but even if you damage your liver with d-bol, your liver enzymes _should_ return to normal after discontinuing the d-bol. Elevated liver enzymes are an indication that damage is _currently_ being done to the liver.
So what your saying is if I understand correctly is I can take a lot of Dbol and even though it might damage my liver while I am taking it, when I stop my liver should return to normal? If this is true then I won't bother with as many blood tests while on cycle as there is no need for it then.
you'll be fine, your body isnt used to being jabbed with needles.
whats the injection site look like? is there a bump,is it red or hot to the touch?

It is quite normal for injections to hurt, I myself have had ones so bad i was limping for almost a week.

massage it and ice it,don't use heat. heat will not only do nothing for any swelling but speeds up the rate of infection. thats if you have an infection wich i doubt.

Good luck
The injection site is a little red and the skin is hard and it is hot to the touch.
also developed a kind of red splotchy rash on my skin (upper body ) and had a slight fever last night. the leg I injected last is still sore and swollen.
i havent re-read the original post, but from the above post, doesnt sound good if it warm to the touch and you got a fever... maybe you need a little more cowbell?

j/k...really should get it checked out, possible infection or abscess it sounds like to me, wait for more replies, but maybe take a trip to the ER, could possibly tell them u inject b12...
Why waste all that money on the ER? Go see your GP, or at least an urgent care center.

I've never heard of these symptoms from Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but again, maybe it is all the BA in non-human-grade gear and the higher dosage. Personally, I would at least filter the gear, but I'm a clean freak.
cubanojoe said:
So what your saying is if I understand correctly is I can take a lot of Dbol and even though it might damage my liver while I am taking it, when I stop my liver should return to normal? If this is true then I won't bother with as many blood tests while on cycle as there is no need for it then.
Sorry that I missed your question the first time around.

You can have a liver that is damaged but have normal liver enzymes. There isn't really a test that will tell you how damaged your liver is.

Although, I suspect that if your liver is damaged enough, then it is easier to damage it further. Like it might not take as much alcohol to do further damage to the liver. But I'm not sure, so I'm going to go research this topic.
mranak said:
Watson. Using generic costs me $10 for a 10mL vial rather than $30. I'm confident that the Watson is top quality, even though I've never tried the Upjohn (actually, Pfizer as they purchased the rights to Depo-testosterone a few years back).

$10 for 10mL? Damn. I need to get myself an Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doctor.