New cycle LGD and 1-Andro, thoughts?

Guys, I've had plenty of experience with LGD, however, 1-Andro is another story. I done a significant amount of reading but what is written on paper and real life is always different. Why did I chose these two to run together? I wanted to try some type of test base with LGD, it's supposed to be non-methylated and the only still legal pro hormone since it's really a pre-prohormone . Since 1-Andro turns into 1-testosterone after a 2 part conversion it should be sufficient. Mg to mg it is supposed to be as potent as test E.

Looking for experience feedback, the good, the bad and the ugly. Just want the truth about your experiences.

My diet is pretty close to 40/40/20 protien/carb/fat although I am not religious on it, it's just my natural eating habit. Body comp is 5'11 200lbs 18% bf which is about the right bf I want to stay until I finally cut.

The plan:

started LGD cycle a week ago at 15mg/day

Purchased 2 bottles of hi-tech 1-testosterone (it's really 1-andro) last night plan to add 300mg/day after week 2.

Cycle support on hand to integrate with the 1-andro

Pct is on hand in the even I need to stop early.

Feel free to give your feedback, I'm still green on this stuff so if I am misinformed or am doing something wrong please speak up.
Since no one has responded I will run a log. Apparently I let myself go a little more than I thought. Had surgery in May and put me down for 2 months. 200lbs and 18%bf is where I left off. This morning I was at 195.8 and 22.6%bf. I am at 2 weeks LGD @ 15mg. Today the 1-testosterone came in so I took the first dose and weight/bf measurements. Then I upped the dose of LGD to 20mg. So log is starting here.

What I have recorded from the last 2 workouts are as follows:

Lat pull downs 120x2 sets, 130x1 set, 150x1 set
Dumbbell rows 70x3 sets, but then I loaded 2 racks of heavy 85-120lb dumbbell someone left on the floor.
Incline dumbbell curls 38x4 sets
Easy curls 85x3 sets, 105x1 set
Dumbbell presses 75lbs 4 set
Decline bench 135x3 sets, 185x1 set (was pyramiding 10 sets starting @ 135-275 then back down, shifting gears and concentrating on controlled Dumbbells instead of heavy sets right now so we should see those climbing soon)
Military press 135x4 sets
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Can you describe your cycle support and PCT in more detail?

I will respond with the exact cycle support I have on hand but the pct is Clomid. I will take at 17.5mg or half a ml at 35mg/ml

Just a note but it takes quite a while for my responses to get posted so if things look out of order that's why
Looks like the moderator removed the brand name of the cycle support (my bad). New numbers are below for today, these are closer to where they should be.

Dumbbell presses 70x1, 80x3 (80lb is a new pr for sets)
Decline bench 135, 185, 225, 185
Incline bench 135x4
Military presses 135x1, 145x3
Dumbbell lateral raise 20lb
Dips 130, 150, 170, 190
Tricep rope push downs 80, 90, 100, 110
Don't plan on posting every workout but I will as I hit new PR's as I think they are relevant. I don't do 1rep max lifts so I consider a PR as a completed set of 7 clean reps. These are weight X number of completed sets. Today's workout:

Lat pull downs 130x1, 150x3 sets
Dumbbell rows 70x2, 80x1, 90x1 sets (new PR @80lbs and @90lbs)
Seated Row Machine 120x1, 140x1, 150x1, 170x1 sets (new PR @170)
Incline dumbbell curls 40x4 sets (new PR @ 40lbs)
Easy curls 85x4 sets
Preacher curls 55x3 sets
Reverse preacher curls 35x3 sets
Barbell shrugs 135x1, 225x3 sets
I just re-read the rules and didn't see one prohibiting brand names.... oh well. Can you at least describe what the product does - i.e. cholesterol management, liver support...?

I think it's a sponsor thing... I'm cool with it. Cycle support is mainly for liver support, some have estrogen blockers. Cycle support is a good idea anytime you are pumping a foreign substance in your body.
Day 3 joint pain in the elbows is intense. It makes the arms hurt from wrist to the backside of the shoulders. Both compounds are supposed to be extremely dry so if I had to guess that is the problem. What to do about it is another story. Any suggestions?

Had a leg day but I did 4 sets of dumbbell presses just because I felt like it. I'm glad it wasn't chest day.
Some new PR's for sets:

Dumbbell presses 80x3, 90x1 (90 is a new PR)
Decline bench 185x3, 225x 1
Incline bench 135, 155, 165, 175 (175 is new PR)
Military presses 135x2, 155x2
Dumbbell lateral raise 25lbs
Dips 140, 160, 180, 200 (PR @ 200)
Tricep rope push downs 90, 110, 130x2
Day 3 joint pain in the elbows is intense. It makes the arms hurt from wrist to the backside of the shoulders. Both compounds are supposed to be extremely dry so if I had to guess that is the problem. What to do about it is another story. Any suggestions?

Wish I did, lol. I'm towards the end of my LGD cycle and my left elbow/forearm is killing me. I don't think it's directly related to the LGD - more like my joints and tendons aren't used to handling the heavier weights I'm moving now. Luckily it's just that one joint. No problems with shoulders, knees or anywhere else. It gets better quickly on days off but it starts hurting badly again with certain exercises. I'm taking 2 days off in a row today and tomorrow to see if it feels any better on Sunday.
The tendons probably are the heavier weights. It took a good 6 weeks before mine quit hurting. Pretty sure the joints the fact that your low on estrogen. Does it feel almost like bone on bone? If my understanding is right, Your test is suppressed so it is lower and you need test to make estrogen. I had aches in my joints while lifting on LGD but it's worse this time. I'm probably shut down now if I had to guess or close to it. The andro converts to 1-testosterone and that can't convert to estrogen, neither can the LGD. I think the fix would be for me to run 4-andro, it can convert.
Today's workout, went heavier on back but had to back off a little on curls because my forearms couldn't handle it today. I skipped reverse curls altogether because of it.

Lat pull downs 130x1, 150xx1, 170x1, 190x1 (PR @ 190)
Dumbbell rows 80x4
Seated Row Machine 140x1, 160x1, 180x1, 200x1 (PR's @ 180 and 200)
Incline dumbbell curls 35x3, 40x1
Easy curls 85x4 sets
Preacher curls 35x1, 55x3 sets
Reverse preacher curls NONE
Barbell shrugs 225x4 sets ( need wrist straps to go heavier, forearms can't take it)