new cycle/new pics


New member
here's a pic of my first week of my new tren ace/sust cycle.just gotta get my diet in line,this high heat makes it almost impossible to eat during the day but this too shall pass.
43yrs old,5'10" about 197 in this pic(lost a bit of wght due to the heat),i've run around 5 cycles in the past-mostly just test back into this last june 20th after a long 2 tear layoff due to addiction problems and other things.ran sust/npp then cruised till i got to about 215lbs with approx 12%b/f.i've made the decision to blast and cruise for the rest of my time here on earth.i wasted many years in and out of addiction.i had a chance to compete in my early 20's and also had a great coach and a sponsor but i decided to go a different route.
now i've made the choice to give up that lifestyle forever.i came back last june at 179lbs and could barely move any type of far as tren goes i've run oral tren for 3 weeks then was about to run tren ace but had to stop after my 2nd week of ed shots.just couldn't do it with my job and the tren together.i still get lethargic but i'm learning how and when to take it to benefit body's finally adjusting to it.once the heat cools down i usually go up to 215-225lbs by the winter with not alot of b/ goal or dream is to at least step on stage one day.i've been concentrating mostly on my legs cause i never did them,always upper body when ever i was clean.since around sept i've put on over 4-5 solid inches on my legs alone.arms are just under 18" at the moment.
i've had a few set backs medically these past few months but won't let shit stop me now.
Congrats to you for getting out of that addiction lifestyle and applying your life to getting in shape and healthy. Good luck with your goals of competing. I am an NPC so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

Looking thick, btw! Train hard!