New cycle question, 4th cycle 750mg of Test-E


Mini Rocky
Past cycles
Test Prop
Test Prop
Test E
Test Prop

New cycle will be coming in a few months, trying to figure out goal plans
standing at 5'4
going to be weighing close to 220 (25% BF)
I am slowly going up on the scale eating around 4k a day.
My next cycle consist of just plain Test-E 750mg 1-12 weeks, with Prop 150mg EOD 1-4 for kick start
Now I have been conflicted on if I wanted to bulk or cut, i have a great bit of mass im just chunky.
Now my goal was to get to 220 and cut down to 200lbs with the cycle, but i still wouldnt mind being bigger.

I came up with a new idea today, and was wondering if I can have feedback. A month before cycle, I cut around 5-8lbs. Then during cycle just do simple 500 deficet, so 1 lb a week.
Though im wondering with a good amount of test, and very high protein diet, im wondering if its possible to cut say 10lbs of fat, and possibly gain 5 lbs of muscle. Or if I should just go plain cut, and try to cut 20-25lbs.
Anyways, i think ill cut 1 month before PCT a lil bit then cut heavier half way through the cycle, the 2nd part lead it into a tiny bulk. So i can lose fat, and not worry about muscle loss. then i can make gain 2-3lbs of muscle.