New Cycle: Test/Tren/Mast


New member
Hey guys, I wanted to get some input on this new cycle.

I would like to keep the pins at twice a week, Mon-Thr. Or if i need to 3 pins a week. I will be running Tren Ace 400, Test Cyp 500, Mast 400.

How can i set this up to fit all in i pin two times a week? Thanks
Mast 400? ive never seen Mast 400...if its prop its only 100ml/mg...

and since its prop you will want to run that EOD
If you want to run that cycle, your going to have to pin everything EOD max, except the test E, but for the sake of making things easier and not a head fuck of a pinning schedule i would just load all three in one syringe and pin EOD. if you cant commit to that, dont run it. simple
im on mast 600mg aw now. feeling gret i have to say that. i pin 200mg mast p on mon,wed and fridays !!
If you want to run that cycle, your going to have to pin everything EOD max, except the test E, but for the sake of making things easier and not a head fuck of a pinning schedule i would just load all three in one syringe and pin EOD. if you cant commit to that, dont run it. simple

great advise
What if i run the Test Cyp and the Mast together and save the tren for my next cycle? I think with test c and mast i could get away with e3 day pins.....
What if i run the Test Cyp and the Mast together and save the tren for my next cycle? I think with test c and mast i could get away with e3 day pins.....

i wouldnt run the mast e3 days way too short of an ester...ive seen some run every 2 days with success especially if its your first run with it