Disagree with you there, lot's of videos of ifbb pro's coming forward with drug use in the sport, lot's and lot's are saying gear is 80-90 percent of the equation.. and the ifbb pros know more than anyone on this website
not hating, just proving that gear is way more, as you can tell, (watch steroid documentarys on youtube)
quoting an actual scientist/doctor in this youtube documentary
"you want your athletes on steroids, an athlete who does little to no weightlifting, bad diet, partys all night, drinks, but is on steroids, can blow away an athlete with the most discipline, best diet, best work ethic, who doesn't do steroids"
this question didn't have to do with diet, i know everything else is on point, just wanting to know if the tren is gtg or not since it's long ester, usually stick to short esters
thanks though, others have answered my question for me!