new gear method


Community Veteran
in light of all the latest breaking home brewing news and info i have devised a time saving method of home brewing.

since BA sterilizes anything it touches all you do is place 10% ba in the vial, add powder, heat a little til it dissolves. add oil and heat a little more till it clears again.

thats it. its sterile. no filtering, no baking, no nothing. fast, easy and effective. no more worrying about filters clogging, damaging hormone in oven thru oxidation and best of all only takes about 5 minutes and you ready to shoot.

i'll be selling kits for this procedure as well as my magic solvent for you enthusiastic home chemists. 10g kits are only 50 bucks. yes thats right only 50 bucks. place you orders now as the kits will be going fast.
the trick is to draw with a 29g slin pin then shoot with a 23g so you filter out any particulates that may have slipped thru the processing phase. damn guys we been wasting our time all these years filtering and baking. i feel so..... well..... exposed.
then cat is licking my ass hole as we speak. his tongue is rough but in a strange way it feel skinda good.
can we make this a sticky? huh? please purdy please. i'll doante some of the proceeds (very little) to some charity. yeah thats it some charity. i'll be rich and wont need you guys anymore so i'll leave and take my opinions with me. but i still be open for business. il run speacials buy one kit at full price get the second one for only 60 bucks. thats right only 60 bucks. what a deal!!!! you dont save squat (powerlifting term also).
damn have out done yourself this time...

I had to stop reading this shit twice and then start again before i got finished with the whole

pullinbig said:
then cat is licking my ass hole as we speak. his tongue is rough but in a strange way it feel skinda good.

I don't know what bothers me more, that you are having your cat do that to you or the fact that your cat's a 'he' and doing that to you, lol. :p
OK heres the best part of my kits. as an added bonus i will thgrow in some of my semen, blood or urine to make ytou first conversion really easy. no carts, no powders, no sticky ass deca or enan, no removing E. its ready to go. add body fluid to oil and heat til it clears. 250mg/ml combo of tren, test, Winstrol (winny), dros, gh, deca, and my favorite arimidex. incredible stack that will make it thru customs everytime (less earls working that night). the semen is by far the potent of the three so if you wanna save even more money i'll come (no pun intended)to you house and let you extract it you self. what a deal! door to door service. only stipulation is guys that you wife or girl friend has to remove hormone in the privacy of my back seat. hurry hurry hurry orders are going fast. act now!!!!!!
i don't want to look stupid asking this, but i don't know so i'll have to ask...
do you have to use 10% BA? can you just use 5%? won't 10% be painfull?
panteracfh said:
i don't want to look stupid asking this, but i don't know so i'll have to ask...
do you have to use 10% BA? can you just use 5%? won't 10% be painfull?
I think the general sarcastic tone this thread takes on immediatly makes you look stupid for asking...No flame intended, PB can answer that question better than I
lol, well i feel kinda stupid now... but i was just reading on another board someone saying that you don't need to use BA, so i didn't give this thread a second thought... my
what no BA???? you have to use BA. it srelizes dog dookie. yes thats right you can add fecal matter to oil and BA and inject it because it will be strerile. you can use stump hole water for Winstrol (winny) now with the new improved BA that has hit the market. its da bomb. science wins again. aint we lucky to be in the space age?
alright, thanks for the extended sarcasm... lol.... im kind of out of it and was putting 2 unrelated threads together... one being this sarcastic well, now i look dumb, BUT it was just today that i realized that im stupid and making gear is easy as fuck... for some reason i had it in my head that baking made everything harder... but its all good now
Too Funny............

Tell me honestly PB have you had any PM's for your kits.... You must have had atleast one.... :)

Trying a bit of reverse psychology in your BA Does not sterilize Class...

I hate to be a kill joy, but you might want to edit your first post on this thread once the joke has circulated... Some one will no doubt try this..... if its not clear that its a joke..


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