new guy here seeking some info

You know what bro my oppin would be to save all that money your spending on supps like fer50 said and spend it on food. I'm reading all the shit your taking and it just made me think that all i ever took was creatine back in the day before i ever did aas. And then mus milk which i will take now just to help with the extra protein. It's amazing all that stuff you take and you look like you don't even work out. Sorry bro. Is it just me?
Save your money and eat, next train. And bro again and again guys want to jump on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) before there even close to being at there natt limit. Ok even i wasent close to being at my natt limit now a days your lucky if any of us on hear are. But at least I looked like i worked out. I swear bro i wonder if you even ever been in the gym. YOu want to jump on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and you haven’t even given it a half a chance to work out hard in the gym in put on some natt size. You put in zero effort into working out. If you did we would look at your pic and say ok this kid works out he looks ok but again bro come on who you fooling. Just guy that's lazy and don’t want to put in the work but instead look for the fast quick way. And you know what bro what ever you might gain from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) you will loose it no doubt in my mind. You haven’t even built a foundation my wife is more muscular then you. Sorry bro calling it like i see it right now. If you even looked half way like you were in the gym working hard i wouldn’t have said nothing but you don't so that's that. So what now i'm the ass hole for telling you the truth. Hit the gym for at least 2, 3, or 4 years make some effort then if you want to jump on at least i would have a bit more respect for ya. But it's a good thing my respect don't mean shit so good luck to ya bud..
You know what bro my oppin would be to save all that money your spending on supps like fer50 said and spend it on food. I'm reading all the shit your taking and it just made me think that all i ever took was creatine back in the day before i ever did aas. And then mus milk which i will take now just to help with the extra protein. It's amazing all that stuff you take and you look like you don't even work out. Sorry bro. Is it just me?
Save your money and eat, next train. And bro again and again guys want to jump on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) before there even close to being at there natt limit. Ok even i wasent close to being at my natt limit now a days your lucky if any of us on hear are. But at least I looked like i worked out. I swear bro i wonder if you even ever been in the gym. YOu want to jump on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and you haven’t even given it a half a chance to work out hard in the gym in put on some natt size. You put in zero effort into working out. If you did we would look at your pic and say ok this kid works out he looks ok but again bro come on who you fooling. Just guy that's lazy and don’t want to put in the work but instead look for the fast quick way. And you know what bro what ever you might gain from Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) you will loose it no doubt in my mind. You haven’t even built a foundation my wife is more muscular then you. Sorry bro calling it like i see it right now. If you even looked half way like you were in the gym working hard i wouldn’t have said nothing but you don't so that's that. So what now i'm the ass hole for telling you the truth. Hit the gym for at least 2, 3, or 4 years make some effort then if you want to jump on at least i would have a bit more respect for ya. But it's a good thing my respect don't mean shit so good luck to ya bud..

i don't take now offense to what you are saying. and sadly that was after almost a year of natural training. lol i mean atleast 4 days in the gym. i was around 155 pounds. my genes suck ass to be honest. i look alot better now. in that pic my arms were only around 13"s. no i am at 15"s . I am not looking for a lazy way out. you may say that and that is fine. But trust me i am alot bigger now and i am more defined. that was at the begining of this year and not a recent pic. this is about a month ago....

and this is about a week and a half ago...

I know it is nothing to brag about but when you come from barely 11.5" arms to 15" you tend to get happy lol. all these pics where took with a camera phone so the quality is not that high. you may say i look like i don't hit the gym but trust me i do. and i eat healthy everyday like a horse. some people just got a shitty deal on life when genetics come into play....:sad:
i never said i was impressive in size or anything. i have came along way from starting at 155 pounds 176 pounds and 12.4% bf
To be honest, you seem like one of those cash cow kids supplement companies love. You're on such a plethora of shit. Seriously. You're taking so much shit, and then want to use gear on top of that. You seem like you just think if you put as much shit into your body as possible you will get huge. There is no way you've reached your genetic potential in 1.5 years of training. I doubt you're even 80% consistent in your training, diet, and sleeping habits.
not really and yeah dude i trained off on and on for the last 4 years, and then for the last year and a half i stayed on a strict schedule and routine. what did i see, after a while nothing.. and im not a rich kid. i have been paying rent since i was 14 my mom is a bitch and a fucking retard so i moved out and payed my own way. bought all my shit. trust me dude i have never been strong since day one. i am alot stronger since i started doing supplement cycles. and no i don't think like that
and honestly if you knew me and how i used to look you would say i have came a long way from where i started. even before i used any supplements.
just because you came along way doesnt mean you reached your potential. your almost 4in taller than me and almost 15 pounds lighter.

You clearly havent reached anywhere near your natty potential because Ive never taken anything, just hard work 7 days a week
im telling you when you stop seeing any gains for nearly three months after training hard and constant for over a year after everything else you have done in your past. i would say i have reached my limits. like i said some peoples bodies were not meant to be nice...
If you stop gaining weight, increase your caloric intake. It's simple math. You will get larger. If you get fat, you're eating too much.

Do a 5x5 program for many weeks until you plateau, then 3x3.. eat like crazy

There is no way you won't gain weight and strength.

Also, I think you missed my point. You're a cash cow because you spend a stupid amount of money on supplements you don't need. Instead of buying supplements for the next 6 months, purchase a cow and eat it. I think you will see much better results.
i mean i heat like crazy. and everything i eat is healthy. when i work out i 8-10 reps with maximum weight. but once a week i will do resistance training to sorta help burn a little fat. i never go hungry. i just dunno sometimes.
i mean i heat like crazy. and everything i eat is healthy. when i work out i 8-10 reps with maximum weight. but once a week i will do resistance training to sorta help burn a little fat. i never go hungry. i just dunno sometimes.

phluxx has alredy given you the right suggestions and you've not listened.

"Do a 5x5 program for many weeks until you plateau, then 3x3.. eat like crazy"

Do less that the 8-10 reps, and less sets and you should fail on the last set.

Concentrate on compound movements (do a google search if you don't know what they are) and don't use machines.

Forget about the "burning fat" bit!! your bulking!!

"resistance training" Don't bother!!

Don't train more than 3 days a week

"increase your caloric intake" I garenntee you don't eat enough and you can eat more

Do these and i'll guarentee you'll put on a shit load of weight in no time.
There you go street speed no theres your solid advice from phluxx and zephyrdaz...And for the record you do look better in that second pic. Not saying your a monster but you are starting to look like you work out. So keep it up and keep on eating. Get those caloris in ya....Good luck...
i appreciate it guys i really do. i didn't mean to sound like a dick just a really long shitty day. so if i offended anyone im sorry. i do appreciate the advice guys. i dont use machines anymore i only use free weights. also i have been trying to bulk for a little over 4 months now. would u guys suggest doing this for 4 more months then doing a cutting cycle or what? i really appreciate the input guys!!