New guy here


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Hello all, I have been reading up on prohormones for a little while but I have some questions. First, do they work? Second, which is the best way to go for straight mass? Is the post cycle therapy (pct) that comes with some of them enough or is a serm is order. Just finished first aas cycle test at 500 per week for 12 weeks, how will it compare to ph's. Thanks
If I was you I wpuld stick to AAS. Or if u just want to have something to.take while ur off cycle try some igf-1des or igf-1lr3
Well you could stack a oral ph with some tes as a jumpstart. The oral will provide quick gains and being on T you will have quite a bit of time for the new muscle to mature. And more importantly stay put once the cycle is done. Look at helladrol