New Guy


New member
Whats up everyone im new to this forum but been lurking around for quite some time now!!! Im gonna be starting my first cycle in a couple of weeks, just wanted your guys input on it and if i should tweak anything, Ive done a lot of reading and I have been asking alot of questions my stats are below.

10% Bf
lifitng for 10 years, PH's for 2 years

planning a Dbol/Test e cycle for 14 weeks
Dbol week 1-4 40-50mg a day
Dbol week 10-4 40-50mg a day
Test E week 1-10 500mg a week
Test E week 10-14 600mg a week

I have clomid nolva, for post cycle therapy (pct) along with some anabeta DAA division 1 and erase.

my question is should I keep it at 500 throught out the entire run or bump it up the last 4 weeks?

another is will erase be strong enough to use a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to be taking on cycle? my source for Adex is way to expensive and I have 3 bottles of erase.
(prone to gyno)
Welcome to the sit Defend!

This being your first real cycle I would drop the D-bol and go with test alone. Anywhere from 4-600mg per week will get you swole :)
i will check it out, but rui and great white peptides are board sponsors here. their baners are usually on top of the page. i have ordered from both and they deliver fast.
just looked it up. these otc sups that claim this and that are more complicated than Chinese arithmetic. i would stick with adex or aromasin for your a.i.
Yea I tried erase and thought it was total shit! If your gonna run the dbol def. have some aromasin on hand. Dbol gives me gyno problems worse than anything I've ever taken. Good luck on your cycle bro and expect to get Swole!