NEw here please help


New member

Alright so I no I am going to catch shit, I have done 3 dbol oral cycles(i ready to man up for some injectables)only had axis to dbol in iraq)), only 15mg and had substanstial gains, I was nervous in the beginning and that it was I chose such a pansy cycle. First cycle was 6 weeks, second time 8, and third time i did 12 weeks, side effects included massive hairloss, and on the third cycle slighly itchy nipples. I just ended the third cycle and am just taking nolva. I also take propeica, about 6 months now. The gains are reciding as always.


2nd Question...NEXT CYCLE I dont want DBOL horrible for the hair have access to pretty nuch anything, I was thinking DECA or test and ANAVAR? yes?? no???

I do all kinds of research and find mixed information it is kind of stressfull cause its my body and you only get one, I want to do everything correct. I am almost 27 years old, about 8 percent body fat around 185, im 6foot 1 so kinda skinny in my eyes. I DONT WANT TO LOSE MY HAIR. AND GOOD post cycle therapy (pct) INFO IS OBV IMPORTANT. PLEASE HELP. THANX GUYS
Itchy Nips was or is onset of gyno. Always have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand during cycle. I like aromasin keeps bloat down as well.

I would suggest a test e only cycle.

Propecia only stops more hair from falling out, not a chia pet pill.
Bro you're deff going to get alot of heat around here for the orals, im just kick-starting up with an Adrol-only route and looking for some advice myself, but not much to be had yet. Glad to see im not the only one whos not on the "pin-only" side of the isle.
Bro you're deff going to get alot of heat around here for the orals, im just kick-starting up with an Adrol-only route and looking for some advice myself, but not much to be had yet. Glad to see im not the only one whos not on the "pin-only" side of the isle.

hahaha did you read his thread????? LOST HAIR, ITCHY NIPS LOST GAINS lol thats the road your traveling down.

OP sorry to use you as an example. hopefully you will slow your roll, and learn and we can get you headed in the right direction.
Bro you're deff going to get alot of heat around here for the orals, im just kick-starting up with an Adrol-only route and looking for some advice myself, but not much to be had yet. Glad to see im not the only one whos not on the "pin-only" side of the isle.

YOU ARE AN IDIOT.....:shoot5:


^^^^ Totaly agree, that guy is a lost cause. Bro just read all the stickys and listen to the people on the board, many whom have a wealth of knowledge, but avoid the idiots. Good luck bro.
Bro you're deff going to get alot of heat around here for the orals, im just kick-starting up with an Adrol-only route and looking for some advice myself, but not much to be had yet. Glad to see im not the only one whos not on the "pin-only" side of the isle.

Even after a perfect example of what happens laid out in front of you,,and you still don't get it?? You must be 16,,,stay far far far away from this dumbass