New idea on Winny Solution


New member
I have been trying to find a consistend mix to make a 50mg/ml winstrol solution. I have tried all of the following an have not had any luck with any of the traditional methods.

I would like to have a 50mg/ml solution that is not all chemicals. I know could do a mix of 5%BA, 15%BB, 15%PG, 65% PEG 200 (this is kinda a super solvent mix) and the Winstrol (winny) would be fine. I just don't want to injest this many chemicals with my winny.

What do you guys think of the following?

1g winny
2ml BA
18ml Grain Alcohol

I would put the Winstrol (winny), BA in a vial and heat until it was a liquid. I would allow it cool. Add the grain alcohol.

Is there anyting fundimental that I am overlooking like the BA not mixing with the grain? My thoughts are that if grain can keep winstrol in solution then the BA should help keep it in solution because there are a lot more solvents in the mix. Let me know what you think.

What about a little PEG 200, like 2ml? Will it mix with the grain and BA?