New member and 2nd cycle. Questions and critique wanted


New member
Hey everyone. Hooooah! Long time lurker first time post. Some background on me. 33 years old, 6'0" currently 205lbs and about 18-19%bf. This is my attempt at a second cycle the first one (test e 500mg/ew) being a huge failure due to ignorance and failure to do research properly and commit to diet. However at 6 weeks, in that cycle i experienced no sides except for huge boners and slight aggression. I have pubertal gyno (more fat in chest than anything no hard lump or sensitive nips) that also did not worsen. So here I am 6 year later more experience and slightly more knowledgeable (still learning ALOT tho) attempting to commit 100% this time. So here goes;

Current Cycle (starting 4th week)
500mg test ew (pin mon and thurs)
400mg EQ/ew (same as above)

Plan to run cycle 13 weeks and end EQ at 12th week (have enough gear for 13 weeks)

PCT on hand
Clomid 50/50/50/50 2 weeks after last pin
Nolva 40/40/20/20 start with clomid

AI on hand
Letro 2.5mg/ml just in case for gyno symptoms worsening (currently taking 0.25mg 2x week)

Diet was shitty in the beginning as I was going for mass and bulk but after 3 weeks I put on alot of weight (mostly fat in midsection) so I cleaned it up alot and trying to eat nothing but lean meats, veggies, and good fats (cashews, almonds, pistachios, omega 3, flax seed, etc). I calculated my caloric requirements to be around 3000, so im trying to eat at least 4000 cals/day. Again the bulk of this is mostly protein 40-60mg per meals x 6 meals, and I keep my carb intake minimal eating only oatmeal, and whole wheat pasta and grains for lunch, really no carbs for dinner, as my goal is to gain as much lean mass as possible.

So far ive gained about 10 pounds since i started (again more in the midsection than i want) but I have gained both size and strength in my arms chest and legs. (i love this feeling).

So a few questions are 1. How does this cycle look, 2. Do u guys recommend staying on this dose of Letro for prevention of gyno and water retention or should i bite the bullet and switch to aromasin (shit is expensive but oh well). 3. Should i increase my caloric intake (just nervous about increasing fat in chest and abdomen). Thats it. Any input would be awesome, just want to get the most out of this cycle. My critique to myself would have been to drop down to 13-14% bf before starting but too late for that. Thanks all.