new member

That isn't a good cycle at all. Also, your making such good progress naturally - why change that at this point?? You could grow a lot more naturally.
I'm in agreement too. Don't do it till you have been able to hit the wall and work past it. I went fro 145 to 200 in a few years naturally. The risks to your health are not worth it. Specaly if your making good gains. Wait till you hit 200 lbs. I bet you won't want to be that big. It's hard on the body. I wish I could get down to 200 from 240 ish.

From what I see You should focus on your Tricepts. It will put big size on your arms and it will give you the strength to go heavy on your chest and back. when I say focus i mean kill them. then kill them again and eat and eat and eat.
wow, great progress from the first photo's!! Great job. Ya, I agree, keep progressing naturally until you hit a wall.
i agree with outlaw u dont need it just keep eating a very high protein diet u look great. question what r u looking to gain with roids?
Thanks!! what is my % bodyfat?

I think that I will continue without aas for another year.
I thought the steroids because I'm on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) (testosterone 100mg/week and T3 25mcg ed) when I was 18 (but I started BB when I was 21)