New Test E only cycle

OoberNoob six people have agreed with me. Just like i said. You need to eat more. Your diet is crap. Work on your diet! And i never said i knw your body. You weigh 140 pounds! thats what a 14 year old is suppose to weigh. It would be best to take everyone's advice here. You will jsut waste your money on steroids. Buy some creatine and protein and get your diet down. Its not very hard to gain weigh natural even with a high metabolism. All you have yo do Is EAT!
Ok so first pin yesterday went great. Very easy and almost zero pain. Woke up today and I have zero pip so we shall see how it all goes.
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Ok so update guys....after my 8th pin the other day or end of my first 4 weeks into the cycle I am now up to 152....i have very little if any bloat which is amazing and also managed to not gain a ton of fat either. Muscles are for sure a lot more dense and bigger. My strength gains are also pretty impressive. Diet has been on point and I am feeling great. I have so far had virtually zero sides at all and so far the whole cycle has been great. Can not wait to see what the next 8 weeks will bring me.
Ok so as of right now I am at 156 and as of yesterday I hit a new goal on dead lifts. I dead lifted 315 which for a guy my size I would have to say is pretty good. Strength and everything going up still. But the weight is not packing on as fast here towards the end. But in the next 5-6 weeks left i should be over 20lbs gained on cycle.
prohormone cycles and oral cycles are horrible, im guessing youve made up your mind and wont change your mind now , but if u realy had your diet in check u can gain alot more. how are you going to gain on aas if u cant gain naturaly . u need to know how to eat , and if u say u didnt gain on 4000 cals , then u eat 5000 . anyways tho , 25G is fine

i have to agree with this, everytime i've hit a bump in weight gain i just increased food, no matter how much drugs you take if you cant make yourself gain weight naturally then you'll just wash out

25 is good. Ideally you would use a 21g or smaller to withdraw and then the 25g to inject. Withdrawing with the 25g is going to take a while

25g is smooth, 18g draws quickly, also i recommend front loading for first pin but thats just my opinion
I call bullshit on your diet. I've seen it and heard it time and time again about people being hardgainers or eating so much but not putting on any weight. And looking at your diet you are not pulling in 4000 calories off of that.

Irregardless you don't seem to care about any advice people are giving you and trying to look out for your best interest.
I call bullshit on your diet. I've seen it and heard it time and time again about people being hardgainers or eating so much but not putting on any weight. And looking at your diet you are not pulling in 4000 calories off of that.

Irregardless you don't seem to care about any advice people are giving you and trying to look out for your best interest.

its true, when i first started working out i thought i was eating like 4k calories, found out i was eating like 2k....... started learning how to cal count with fitness pal, and now im pretty good at just eyeing it but still make note of everything i eat and now i can surely tell you i am getting 4k calories, im 30+ pounds heavier and i can tell you everything i put into my mouth :P
I call bullshit on your diet. I've seen it and heard it time and time again about people being hardgainers or eating so much but not putting on any weight. And looking at your diet you are not pulling in 4000 calories off of that.

Irregardless you don't seem to care about any advice people are giving you and trying to look out for your best interest.

Ok im clearly gaining just fine with my meal plan and have increased my intake mid cycle. I also do use fitness pal and track my calories, fats, carbs, protein ect. Also i drink super mass gainer which one setting of it with milk is 1900 cals 300 carbs and 82 grams of protein and thats not counting everything else for the day. Tuna, steak, ect I do not eat the EXACT same thing every single day....that crap gets old and also not necessary. As long as it fits your macros. Now currently strength is up a lot, size is up, weight is up oh and guess what body fat % is not up. i weighed today and was 157 thats 17lbs so far give or take a pound or 2 depending on time of day ect. Oh and I have plenty of time left in my cycle for even more gain. So keep preaching and blah blah blah and I will keep lifting :)
Ok im clearly gaining just fine with my meal plan and have increased my intake mid cycle. I also do use fitness pal and track my calories, fats, carbs, protein ect. Also i drink super mass gainer which one setting of it with milk is 1900 cals 300 carbs and 82 grams of protein and thats not counting everything else for the day. Tuna, steak, ect I do not eat the EXACT same thing every single day....that crap gets old and also not necessary. As long as it fits your macros. Now currently strength is up a lot, size is up, weight is up oh and guess what body fat % is not up. i weighed today and was 157 thats 17lbs so far give or take a pound or 2 depending on time of day ect. Oh and I have plenty of time left in my cycle for even more gain. So keep preaching and blah blah blah and I will keep lifting :)

I'm 21 y/o at 5'7 and I weigh at 200-ish right now, 16% BF. 500mg/w of Test E is pretty much what my future plans are. I'm still looking into which AI/SERMs would be best for this particular cycle. I also still have to check in with the diet section to make sure I'm good to go since I have a few worries about coming off cycle and how to handle my calories once I cross that bridge (I may not even go on the cycle for several more years, but the sooner I get these questions out of the way the more prepared I'll be).

I have faith that you could have made these gains thus far while natural, but not all of us have that patience.

I just hope that before your cycle ends you look into what's to come concerning your diet and recovery. I look forward to seeing more progress and wish you the best.
Thank you and yes I already have my post cycle therapy (pct) set up my off cycle plan ect. All I can tell you advice wise is research research research. As for natural no I dont think i could have gained this much in 6-7 weeks but maybe so. Its funny people asking me how i got so big so freaking fast though. Well I hope what ever you decide you do it knowing that your for sure ready and know exactly what you need to do to run a good cycle with no issues. I have had basically zero sides what so ever and come post cycle therapy (pct) im more than ready. Ill keep everyone posted on progress.
Well everyone i am now setting at 164 so thats 24lbs gained. I still have a few weeks left of test. Also i would like to add that on cycle I have not taken any creatine and i have not been storing a ton of water. If i can reach 166-168 on just this test only cycle ill be pretty stoked. I also have not gone up in bf% and if i have it isn't noticeable at all. I will be posting pics in a few days. I wanna get someone to take the pics because i think mirror pics are a bunch of BS and does not show the true you....makes you look bigger than you really are.
Yes here is a be for pic lol i have other but this was actually of when i weighed 132lbs when i started my cycle i was 140. I now weigh as of today after losing some water weight 162lbs...was 165 so lost 3lbs. I am waiting until after i cut to actually post my be for and after pics side by side. View attachment 551107