New to forum, planning a cycle


New member
Hello guys,

l'm new to this forum. l'm 21 yr's old 5'7, 181 lbs at the moment and dunno about my bf.l have been working out for 3 years now. l have done one Winstrol (winny) only cycle some time ago, but actually l didnt get what l really wanted from it. Yes it gave me more hard look at that time and yes l gained some nice strength, but it dried my joints, made my liver cry and even at the end shut me down a bit but l recovered fast with nolva/clomi. Lesson learned and l don't think that l will be using Winstrol (winny) again. So now l'm planing to do next cycle after few month's. l want to do test only cycle. Thinking about Test prop 100mg/eod 6weeks. Also was thinking about Test E., but want to run prop becouse if l see any bad sides from test it will go away fast from my system. So any suggestions here ?
And l add some pics down here. What are the things l need to improve most u think ? My main concern to the cycle would be to build up some more mass.

And yes, my biceps is lagging big time, can't get em grow whatever l do.. :Playboy:
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i'd say you look ready mate maybe try fst 7 (i think thats what it's called lol) on biceps that helped me greatly as i used to have weak bi's but 1 high rep and 1 low rep day has helped me greatly aswell. what cycle were you planning by the way mate? also i would say bodyfat is around 13-14%
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Oh well l'm doing now low reps on biceps, just experimenting, so far it's the best thing, but still it doenst give me the growth l want. And speaking about cycle, l plan a simple Test propionate cycle 6 weeks 100mg/eod, just to see how l react to main compound - test. Also thinking maybe l will add some d-bol first 4 weeks or even thinking about some NPP, but all in all l think that test only would be enough so still dunno..
Oh well l'm doing now low reps on biceps, just experimenting, so far it's the best thing, but still it doenst give me the growth l want. And speaking about cycle, l plan a simple Test propionate cycle 6 weeks 100mg/eod, just to see how l react to main compound - test. Also thinking maybe l will add some d-bol first 4 weeks or even thinking about some NPP, but all in all l think that test only would be enough so still dunno..

why only 6 weeks bro? i would do a minimum 10 weeks if i was you with test would see much better gains especially if your considering adding dbol allot of what you gain for first few week will be water. 6 weeks really isn't enough time 10-12 weeks would be a better duration mate. also interesting you said you had trouble with your liver whilst doing Winstrol (winny) a while back do you think that had something to do with water? because i have pretty high liver count so am considering not using Winstrol (winny) and i'm your age to.
Well if to think about 10-12 weeks, then test e. would be better choice imo.. And about Winstrol (winny), l was using tablet form, 50mg ED, so l think the liver thing was of it's toxicity and yes it does increase also bad cholesterol big time... l wont use it never again for sure, in my opinion masteron would be 10 times better. Though l didint try injectable Winstrol (winny) so can't comment that one..
Well if to think about 10-12 weeks, then test e. would be better choice imo.. And about Winstrol (winny), l was using tablet form, 50mg ED, so l think the liver thing was of it's toxicity and yes it does increase also bad cholesterol big time... l wont use it never again for sure, in my opinion masteron would be 10 times better. Though l didint try injectable Winstrol (winny) so can't comment that one..

id go with a longer ester anyway mate saves you pinning more than once or twice a week and if you had trouble with the liver on Winstrol (winny) don't you reckon you will have trouble with dbol? if you have liver trouble with Winstrol (winny) maybe just do a simple test e deca cycle all orals can be hard on the liver m8 especially dbol witch is harsher than winny.
Well the thing l was thinking about d-bol is like this. l used Winstrol (winny) 50mg ED for 6 weeks, d-bol would be like a kickstart 25mg ED for 4 weeks so all in all the dose of d-bol would be twice smaller and 2 weeks less in lenght than Winstrol (winny) so in my opinion liver would get less damage ? Fix me if l'm wrong.
Well the thing l was thinking about d-bol is like this. l used Winstrol (winny) 50mg ED for 6 weeks, d-bol would be like a kickstart 25mg ED for 4 weeks so all in all the dose of d-bol would be twice smaller and 2 weeks less in lenght than Winstrol (winny) so in my opinion liver would get less damage ? Fix me if l'm wrong.

i'm pretty sure dbol is still harsher mate not 100% i have a book around my pad somewhere that has all the levels of mg and stuff for orals and injectables i will try find it for u m8 still pretty sure it's harsher though, although if someone could chip in that would be great or just ask in the anabolic steroid section man.
Would be nice if u'd find that out, anyway if that's true then l think test only for 10-12 weeks would be sufficient enough too ;)
Thanks for suggestion, but maybe u could also suggest what would be better a 6-8 week'er test prop. 100mg/eod OR 10-12 weeker test e. 500mg/week ? l know all the things about pinning but mainly for a first test cycle and mass gain ?