New to HGH...Need your help guys.Thanks in advance.

Kevin Maverick

New member
Hi guys,am 31 and 73kgs 13% bf and i've done 3courses before and now i wanna gain lean muscle and lose fat at the same time.So i thought of taking hgh along with tren,eq,anavar,clen.Which is the best brand in hgh and whats the dosage.Am planning on taking 100iu.Is jintropin okay? or should i go for hypertropin?
Thanks in advance :wiggle:
my height is 5.8 and am planning on 3months....
This is the first time am planning on taking hgh.
Can you tell me the best result giving brands?
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probably gonna want to run at least twice that duration... there are hugely varying opinions on hgh, I would personally buy some and do a serum blood test to prove what you have rather than just going by feelz. some say buy generic because the pharma stuff out there is just generic with a fancy label unless you're picking it up at the pharmacy, others only buy "pharma."
privatemdlabs does hgh serum tests check the website. by twice the duration I mean twice the time, 6month min is standard. a lot of people run hgh with other compounds to run synergistically, I would bet that running a test cycle in the middle of that 6 months would yield good results, lots of people run t4 and igf1 with hgh as well. standard hgh dose varies in opinion and also on what hgh. If you have legit pharma growth it can be 4iu/day, if you have not so great chinese generics it could be 10-15iu/day who knows really... Doing a serum test will tell you if it's real or not and generally the potency. generics will test around 20, pharma should be double that or so.

having said all of that ^ this is all regurgitated info from forums, the best thing you can do is either nail down a legit straight from pharmacy or buy and serum test some stuff for yourself.
and if you're 73 kgs at 5'8 you need to invest your funds into a diet rather than some HGH. you're a good 15-20kgs below a good muscular weight for your height
probably gonna want to run at least twice that duration... there are hugely varying opinions on hgh, I would personally buy some and do a serum blood test to prove what you have rather than just going by feelz. some say buy generic because the pharma stuff out there is just generic with a fancy label unless you're picking it up at the pharmacy, others only buy "pharma."

Whoever said that needs to be fucken shot fucken scumbags
I'm actually fucken upset that bullshit lies are spread generics are not even in the same ball park as seros and I say seros because that's what I tried and I've also used garbagenerics. .... and I'll say it again fuck blood work it doesn't mean shit with hgh the results dont even compare not even a little bit close. That fucked up cts should tell you something is wrong with the shit you inject and 6 months for results how fucken stupid does that sound? Think about that for a min
here's the short answer...

if you're under 40... you will need 10iu per day to be anywhere close to being "bodybuilding effective"

if you're over 40... 5iu might be enough to see some results over a period of time

HGH is a long-term commitment, in my mind if you are not committing to years (not months) of use... spend your $ wisely somewhere else
should i combine hgh with tren+eq+clen+anavar?

Erm... I'm guessing you're doing all this with a Testosterone base?

OP: That is a SHITload of compounds - I'm guessing you are competing or hoping to make a living out of your body - because otherwise, that is a lot of risk, for little reward!
Yeah,am planning on competing.If i dont compete and wanna get a ripped in a good size,what cycle will give me good results?
And i have a test base.
Thanks in advance.Appreciate your help :)