New to peptides GHRP-6 AND CJC 1295


New member
Hey guys
I recently purchased three 5 mg vials of Ghrp-6 and three-2 mg vials of CJC 1295.
now i get that ghrp-6 increases muscle growth, etc etc but what about cjc 1295? Im just new ot this so i would like to ask a few questions and see what everyone thinks

1.Firstly What are the main benefits of both of these peptides obviously muscle growth but in what way??.. does it make you heal quicker or what? I ask this because i want to know if i am able to train the same muscle groups everyday except sundays and have complete growth by doing so or do i still need to skip a day to let recover?

2.Secondly i got told to mix my vials up with 2ml's of water each .. is this correct? if so how many units should i be using three times a day?

3.Thirdly How long do they stay good before put in a freezer/fridge.. im asking this because when my mate sent them to me i didnt put them in the freezer for about 2 weeks they sat in my room now my rooms not a hot place and it is winter here but i just wanted to know are they completely fucked or is it still worth trying?

4. fourth.. eating times.. i got told not to eat 30 minutes before and after pinning is this correct? And also should i stick to my normal diet meaning protein shakes lean meats etc?

5. I got told to do it in the fat of my stomach.. if im mainly trying to work on my upper body. arms pecks etc would it be better to put it in the muslce im mainly working on or doesnt it matter?

and also is there any specific times i should be doing it? my friend told me to do it before training but ive heard it really doesnt matter just three times a day??

Sorry if ive bored alot of you with these questions i know some have been answered else where but i get different responses from different places i just wanted to get a final idea on all of this
Hey guys
I recently purchased three 5 mg vials of Ghrp-6 and three-2 mg vials of CJC 1295. You need to have the same amount of each. You have 15 mgs of the GHRP-6 and only 6 mgs of the cjc 1295. You need a total of 8 vials of the cjc1295. You need to have a total of 15 mgs of the cjc1295.
now i get that ghrp-6 increases muscle growth, etc etc but what about cjc 1295? Im just new ot this so i would like to ask a few questions and see what everyone thinks

1.Firstly What are the main benefits of both of these peptides obviously muscle growth but in what way??.. does it make you heal quicker or what? I ask this because i want to know if i am able to train the same muscle groups everyday except sundays and have complete growth by doing so or do i still need to skip a day to let recover? You will still need to train as usual. These peptides stimulate the body to produce more GH. They will not shut down your normal GH function like injecting HGH will. You will need months of this to see any real results. You may feel some injuries healing faster or see some fat burning but peptides are not AAS so you won't see those kinds of results. You cannot train any more often or really any different. There's just not that kind of response.

2.Secondly i got told to mix my vials up with 2ml's of water each .. is this correct? if so how many units should i be using three times a day? For the 5 mg GHRP-6 add 2.5 ml of bac water and for the 2 mg cjc1295 add 1 ml of bac water. That way each will be dosed the same on the slin pin. You should start slow at 1 time a day. Preferably before bed with 50 mcgs of each for a week. The next week go to 100 mcg each at bedtime. The next week add a pin in immediately after your workout. You can work up to 100 mcg each 3 times a day.

3.Thirdly How long do they stay good before put in a freezer/fridge.. im asking this because when my mate sent them to me i didnt put them in the freezer for about 2 weeks they sat in my room now my rooms not a hot place and it is winter here but i just wanted to know are they completely fucked or is it still worth trying? Peptides need to be refrigerated after reconstituting with bac water. They usually last about 4-5 weeks after mixing. They should be ok to use.

4. fourth.. eating times.. i got told not to eat 30 minutes before and after pinning is this correct? And also should i stick to my normal diet meaning protein shakes lean meats etc? No carbs or fats 2 hrs before or 20-25 minutes after pinning. Protein is ok. Check the content of your protein shake.

5. I got told to do it in the fat of my stomach.. if im mainly trying to work on my upper body. arms pecks etc would it be better to put it in the muslce im mainly working on or doesnt it matter? Doesn't matter. Stomach fat area is best.

and also is there any specific times i should be doing it? my friend told me to do it before training but ive heard it really doesnt matter just three times a day?? See above. After workout not before. Start slow and slowly increase the dosage.

Sorry if ive bored alot of you with these questions i know some have been answered else where but i get different responses from different places i just wanted to get a final idea on all of this

See bold above. Lots of good info on the web. Read it and educate yourself.
These products get shipped out And tthey aren't kept cool. However idk what a couple weeks would do. I'd still give it a try tho. And you need to reconstitute both the products with sterile bacteristatic water. Whereever you bought ur peptides at they should have it. As far as how much to use jjust use a peptide reconstitution chart. Just Google it you'll find one, simple as that, they r very easy to use. You should inject both products 2-3 times a day. Post workout and bedtime are among the best times to administer.and yes do not eat for 30 min or more before or after your injections. And as far as what these products do...well pretty much ghrp are going to cause a surge of gh. In the form of pulses. And cjc when added to any ghrp is going to have a synergetic effect on gh levels. In my experience not a ton of mass is added from these products. I experienced muscle hardness, lower body fat levels, especially. near injection site. Also the mass I did add from these products was probably due to the ffact thar ghrp causes a gherlin. Spike that signals ur body that ur stomach is empty! I hope I was of some help! Good luck!