New to peptides, still not understanding how to calculate dosages and stacking - Help


New member
Hey all,

New member keen on some help with dosage and mixing

No matter how many articles I read about mixing peptides with X amount of water to get X units I'm still confused as to where to start

I have read a lot of good info but if someone can smash it all down into simple terms and measurements that would be amazing! I'm currently running hgh and its a 5mg bottle that was given to me and I'm told it was diluted with 2.5ml of water.. I'm currently injecting 5 x a week @ 1 mark on my needle - I have no idea how many units that is...And its done my head in to try and figure it out :( I'm getting mcg / IUs mixed up

I'm wanting to stack cjc 1295 + ghrp6 as well as a new supply of hgh - the cjc and ghrp6 are 2ml vials and the hgh is 5ml

Can someone suggest some ideas of what to mix to each and what that will give me in total as well as an example of what pulling x amount on my needle will represent

I'm 27, 5'10 and currently 80.1kg - I'm carrying some body fat and wanting to trim down a bit - Training 5 days a week and a very clean diet

Sorry for the noob question and thanks heaps in advance for the help!

idk about the hgh never ran it but rule of thumb for the peps is one ml/cc per milligram so for cjc add 2ccs for the ghrp u can add 5 or less but five is good look up the peptide calculator and it will say how much backwater put the amount of backwater in and it will say peptide mgs enter that and it will give you how many tick marks to pull up to and each tick marks is 2 ius i do believe unless im wrong its important to know how much backwater you used because it will change how much you use mcg wise the peptide calc works either google or on the sticky on this site :)