New to Site! Much needed advice on fat burning and clen/anavar


New member
Hey guys i am brand new to the site, just signed up today. I wanted to get some advice on a clen cycle and possibly ana Anavar (var) to lean up. Any advise would be helpful.

About me: im 19, college student, 5'9 200lbs, i would guess around 20% bf, thick chested build, athlete all my life, have always been active in sports, worked out on and off, and just want to shred the fat off and cut up.

Diet: i eat pretty healthy, dont eat out nearly as much as other college kids, eggs and fruit for breakfast, and primarily chicken fish and veggies for lunch and dinner with chicken and turkey and cheese wraps for a snack.

What i had in mind: i have always had a broad shouldered thick chested build so gaining mass is not what i am going for at all. I want to shred all the excess fat and after its gone, gain some muscle . My plans were to do p90x mon-sat, 3 days a week do the extra cardio disc for a second workout, the other 3 days run on the treadmill after my p90 workout, and on sundays jus do the stretch disc or yoga disc to work on core and flexibility. I have not been working out that much recently but am very athletic and will get right back into the routine quick. I got 50 40mg clen tabs that i wanted to take when i started working out and then possiblly another full 100 tab cycle when i run out. Then after those are gone i figured i would have shed alot of fat and then thought i should take a cycle of ana Anavar (var) because i have been told you gain some lean muscle mass, not bulk, and you keep what you gain. What are your guys thoughts about that. Please let me know, i want to get started asap.

If you guys think that the clen and Anavar (var) cycle would be a good idea, i also need to know how much and when to take them because i want to do this right. Thanks so much for the advice. Hold no comments back haha.