New to the board, here's a quick intro (pics too)


New member
Hey guys, I've been doing a lot of reading on your forum here and I figured it was time I posted up an intro. I'm just starting to get into the world of bodybuilding...been a triathlete type my whole life and now I'm looking to change that. I used to be one of those guys who considered himself an ectomorph/hardgainer but I'm going to break those labels and beat my genetics. Right now I'm off to a good start.

I'm 23, not using gear at the moment, going all natural for a couple years, 5'10, 165 lbs. In February I weighed in at 145 and I've been that same weight for years until now.

I've got a solid nutrition plan (super clean, but I think I can afford to start eating dirty from time to time).

Anyway here's a before and after. The after pic was taken this morning just after breakfast.

Oh and I am working out the wheels too (doing it all)...just didn't take a pic of them (they don't look like much right now anyway).

Any advice/criticism would be cool, thanks guys.


ps: everything I'm working is responding really well except for my forearms...can't seem to get those to grow much. I'm getting some solid pumps in the gym and I'm eating my ass off, but those damn t-rex limbs won't respond.
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welcome, you should get with 3J in our diet section, and post your workout breakdown for critique. There are some good OTC supps also if you want to stay natural, which I think you should be able to put on 15-20 pounds natural in a year if you figure out it all out.