New to the forum and NEW FIRST cycle need "HELP"


New member
Hi folks i am currently 23 years old, 120 pounds, 5.5 height and lean. I started gym today and was searching about steroids and testo e which i heard was the safest. My question is; can i take them both together? and how to take them? is it safe to take since i don't have much fat in my body i am lean and i heard anavar will burn fat.... I do intent to spend at least 2 month weightlifting without anything just protein and veggies, carbs until my body has accommodate to the gym and exercises. and when my diet straight and info up to date i will then get on it. Don't want to be wild, i want this to be perfect and enjoyable, want to be sure sure of what i am doing. You only have one body there's no second chance on this. I wanna get big the safest way possible. and for that i need someone who has experience and knowledge that would like to share. i am buying the test e and anavar this friday i need to know the cycle and dosage and if i should buy anything else? ive done research but havent found much and its pretty confusing since its first time i will be doing it. Thank you very much in advance if any of you get to share any experience with me i am all ears eyes and mind.
Anyone would like to help with this doubts on how to do the cycle witj anavar and testo e? And if I should include anything else?
Well Bro you just saved me 400 bucks I was going to spend on steroids and probably 10k on body injury repairs I think i ahoild spend atleast a year bulking Up and lifting for to even cosider doing a first cycle. Appreciate the reappnse Shaun. Pz for you Bro and thanks
Well Bro you just saved me 400 bucks I was going to spend on steroids and probably 10k on body injury repairs I think i ahoild spend atleast a year bulking Up and lifting for to even cosider doing a first cycle. Appreciate the reappnse Shaun. Pz for you Bro and thanks

Good idea man. AAS can be a great tool if used properly. Any other questions, let me know and I will do my best to help you out.
awesome jimithing its kinda hard for me to look for what i need, since i am new theres way to many info in here and debates and i dont want to get confuse on what i should do. I just had a little argument with my gym partner we started both at the gym yesterday and he said that it is all bullshyt that nothing would happen as long as we dont abuse and i tried to explain to him everything that i read on docj's thread which i could tell the guy has experience. He still wants to do it he is going to buy dbol and test e and thats becasue i told him navar was for women unless taken i high does which it was to get cut and since we are skinnny. He just used test e a year ago and then got big like 10-15 pounds and dropped the gym. He say he will do now dbol for 4 weeks and then 8 weeks test e. Is this safe for this guy i told him he will be messing with his tendons and natural testo hormones and he is not going to do a post cycle which your suppose to do i read. I am just open mind and i am really glad i decided to get in this forum seriously. I want to get in the army or marines am still doing research on which one to get and i want to have my body prepared because i sometimes feel lazy my hemoglobin is low and i feel tired i cant get in the army like a whimp and since i am 5,5 not very tall i need to atleast be competitive and feel ready to get into something that will change my life for ever...So with all that said thank you guys for trying to help me trow anything you can at me from lifting plans to how may times of a day atleast i should eat, i appreciate everything and i just took a picture of me yesterday to see my changes.

ps; I told my friend that i wish i dont have to tell him that i told you so. because i am going to feel bad and so will him if anything happens.And on top of that he smokes 2 packs of cigarettes daily he is killing himself and he just doesnt listen.I wanna help this guy but he is a stubborn fuk
he shaun thanks bro i am going to take it slow and eating healthy and getting into loving it you know i wanted to see if you knew of any recomended plan for me starter i am just doing everything for an hour but nothing heavy just reps for atleast 15 days what do you think? and what should i start doing after?
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Well Bro you just saved me 400 bucks I was going to spend on steroids and probably 10k on body injury repairs I think i ahoild spend atleast a year bulking Up and lifting for to even cosider doing a first cycle. Appreciate the reappnse Shaun. Pz for you Bro and thanks

Hah - yeah man. Make sure you at least want to stick with lifting before thinking steroids are some sort of body dismorphia cure-all. Still huge amounts of effort involved, and if you just start you should be able to put on about 20 lbs in about 6 months if you do it right.
Well Bro you just saved me 400 bucks I was going to spend on steroids and probably 10k on body injury repairs I think i ahoild spend atleast a year bulking Up and lifting for to even cosider doing a first cycle. Appreciate the reappnse Shaun. Pz for you Bro and thanks

Hey bro you def came to the right place. I recommend you stick around this site isn't just for steroid use it has a lot of other great forums. Sometimes it can be overwhelming but just read a few things a day, I would start with the sticky notes on the forums and then just browse the other stuff. A lot of it is like you said debating but those debates are also good to read so you can get more then one opinion on the matter. Anyways bro stay connected and everyone here will def support you that is one thing I love about this site we may not know each other in real life but we are pretty much family and everyone is here to learn and here to help!!

As to your friend being stubborn it is what it is man you can't change someone they have to want to change first. Just stay on your path bro
