New to this cycle game and steroid use in general. Please advise me


New member
I'm new this this whole steroid usage, I've done some research and looking to hear more advice on my future first cycle possibly around mid sept. My stats are as followed;

Age: 23
Height: 5'8
Weight: 170
BF: 14%

I've been working out solid for almost 2 years now and seen some amazing gains but I'd like to turn it up a level. I'm looking for advice on which to use either TBOL or DBOL and what else would I need with it for pct and dosages. I've spoken to a few friends who have tried and used it previously but information is still a bit unclear. When I start my cycle my goal is to gain mass for which one of my friends suggested DBOL but never really got into the cycle as to how much, how long etc and any other drugs i need with it, pct etc.

On the other hand I read up on TBOL and saying it's less anabolic and less androgenic but stength and mass come slowly which I don't mind. I'm not looking to rush into this and want to do this properly and get the most benefits out of it.

Please advise me on what should I start with tbol or dbol, the daily dosages, length of period and other drugs i need with it. I plan to bulk from sept to late Jan and start cutting in Feb.
the only advice you are going to get here is that you are not ready for gear...

and obviously you have done 0 research because youre trying to do an oral only cycle
You're a baby. The only gear you are ready for are the gears in your fisher price toys

I'm not flaming you I am saying you are too young
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