New user, first cycle suggestions. Worried about MPB


New member
-27 Years Old
-Lifting for 3+years

I have been lifting and moving up in weight, but I can't seem to put on any more weight past 165lbs.
Looking for a good suggestion for a first cycle, worried about MPB a little.
Consider this steroids for dummies.
I appreciate any feedback that I get, thank you community.
Look into the following compounds:


They are meant to be good on the hairline. You can also use finasteride on testosterone to limit hair loss. You use higher doses of fin than normal. It does not affect gains, there are studies posted on men doing testosterone cycles with fin and even dutasteride (which is way stronger) and gains were not affected.

Using finasteride with Equipoise though will prevent the conversion of the steroid into DHB, and use with nandrolone will prevent conversion to DHN which IIRC is worse than if it converts, as it's mild on the hairline. You could use testosterone at a maintenance dose to avoid excess DHT and just use the equipoise/nandrolone at normal doses.
Diet is key. Gear will not replace a shitty diet. If you can't gain weight now, your not eating enough food. Say you did do a cycle, you'll most likely lose all your gains when your done with it so what would be the point?