I have a few questions. I have been lifting weights and bulking for 2 months. I am 6'4" 165 lbs. The pic is of my upper body, but my legs are pretty similar: very lean but with decent tone. I could post a leg pic if you want. My goal is to get more self confidence by looking better, not to achieve any huge size.
First, what are your first impressions? Any particularly good areas? Areas that need significant work?
Second, could you ROUGHLY estimate my bf% from the below pic?
Third, can I call that a 6-pack or is it still a 5-pack?
First, what are your first impressions? Any particularly good areas? Areas that need significant work?
Second, could you ROUGHLY estimate my bf% from the below pic?
Third, can I call that a 6-pack or is it still a 5-pack?