Newb pics


New member
I have a few questions. I have been lifting weights and bulking for 2 months. I am 6'4" 165 lbs. The pic is of my upper body, but my legs are pretty similar: very lean but with decent tone. I could post a leg pic if you want. My goal is to get more self confidence by looking better, not to achieve any huge size.

First, what are your first impressions? Any particularly good areas? Areas that need significant work?

Second, could you ROUGHLY estimate my bf% from the below pic?

Third, can I call that a 6-pack or is it still a 5-pack? :)
BF is probably about 8%. You just need to work on mass man. Center your workouts around compound lifts and bulk like a mofo.
nice abs. put on some more size. with your small frame, you will look like a monster if you even gain oh say 20 lbs of LBM. and as a previously skinny guy myself, let me tell you, do not be afraid to gain fat along with the muscle. it will be easy to cut off later, with your metabolism.
Goat Ass said:
nice abs. put on some more size. with your small frame, you will look like a monster if you even gain oh say 20 lbs of LBM. and as a previously skinny guy myself, let me tell you, do not be afraid to gain fat along with the muscle. it will be easy to cut off later, with your metabolism.

You looked like me at 165lb and im 6'4 also. With 20lbs added you wont look huuuge but it will be a difference. To ever get that "swol" look though you HAVE to be over 200lb, but you still wont look as big as a 5'8 dude weighing 175lb

So just keep eating man. It takes awhile.

And yeah...gain as much fat as possible. Youll look "bigger" and not "fatter" with your build. Trust me haha. I hated to see anybit of fat i gained go away whenever i stopped bulking. And it went faaast.
You have to eat ALOT also. My usual routine is a bag of carrots or some fruit in the morning when i wake up. Couple eggs, potatoe, toast, and bacon for breakfast..Couple burgers or tacos for lunch. Come home and eat something again. Drink a shake before work out and a shake during workout(towards the end) Eat a few tacos on my way home..wait alittle bit and eat dinner....bulking suuucks..On days i feel like i didnt eat enough the day before ill drink a shake inbetween breakfast and lunch. And that doesnt add awhole lot with a fast metabolism. So gay.
You have a good lean base to start with. As others said, concentrate on diet (eat a lot and more) and work with compounds lifts, heavy. Don't waste time now with lots of arm and leg curls.