Newb that is confused. I need the pros


New member
First time posting hear, although I started reading a lot on here about a week ago. So I know I want to run my first cycle and I also want it to be test, "Test is the best" as some of you say. Anyways after reading A LOT on the internet I got very confused. I thought I wanted to run just a test e cycle with a PCT but I know i'll need or should you an estrogen blocker too. I really don't want to order anything internationally and I think I found a domestic supplier(I won't say the source bc its against the rules) Long story short bc I know you guys get this question 3000 times a day but this is a stack I can get my hands on, Is it missing anything?, Should I change up anything? Should I keep looking?

But here is what I was suggested to stack still unsure on the amount of each but thinking 250mg of test twice a week, but please help me out if poosible
1)Induject250 (Thinking 250 twice a week)
2)Nandrobolin250 (Not sure how much)

I'm actually still researching some of that put thought, "why not let the pros tell me?" Again you can read anything online but hoping for y'alls help.

Little about me I'm 28 years old, been lifting close to 4 years and I train insanse lol.

Any feed back would be nice even if it was just calling me an idiot, but please don't. I'm sure I forgot something but will answer questions if you have them for me.
I actually read that before I posted. Only problem I had is what was listed was I couldn't find a source for the stuff listed. I can keep looking I was just getting a little feedback on what I could find. But regardless I appreciate your help :)
What don't you just get an Aromatase Inhibitor from RUI? Their ad is at the top of your screen.

Tell us about yourself. Height? Weight? Body fat %? Goals?

Make sure you get hCG too.

Definitely only run Test your first cycle.
I'm 6' Tall 194 lbs and roughly around 10-12% body fat. I want to add some mass. Not looking to get 25lbs out of the first cycle, although I'd like it. I just went to get bigger and stronger. And thanks for the feedback, ill check it out.