Newbee Tren/Testprop/hgh cycle


New member
Hey guys, new to the site but loving it so far.
Going on i think my 6th cycle. Did some winnie, deca, clen. nothing crazy got decent results but nutrition was never an thought before.
Spent a year cutting down to 185 then spent another year bulking naturally to 220. Now for the last 8 months ive been slowly cutting back to 192ish now.
I've been on hgh 4iu 5 days on 2 off for about 8 weeks now. this past week started on tren ace 100mg eod and 100mg test pro eod, 75mg winnie tabs ed and keeping on the hgh 4iu 5 days on 2 days off.
plan on running the test and tren about 7 weeks, the winnie about 9 weeks and keep the hgh rolling for a few months yet. also running arimidex ed 1mg

Sitting at about 13%bf right now 192 trying to cut down to about 8-10%bf 180ibs. Obvioulsy just looking for that lean look. Droping cals every other week. Sitting around 2900/d. All organic, very clean.

Just looking for any pointers, always looking for new knowledge as im still pretty fresh to the after market stuff. Any opinions appreciated. Most of my research has come from guys around the gym but figured something like this couldnt hurt

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Plz post your diet and tell us what your removing to go down on calories every other week. Your already on the cycle so that is what it is... IMO the test is a little to short but tren is okay.

This is all about the diet I think. If your in a rock and a hard place find 3J, he'll know what to do.

thanx for the reply. I plan on posting before and after pics to go along with this.
Diet is around 2900 cals right now. Starting at 3800 about 3 months ago. aboug 40% carbs 35 Protein and 25 Fats. This week im starting to cut out some of the carbs. Taking away my dinner portion. Should drop me down to about 2650.
Training 4 days aw weights, with about 4-6 hrs cardio/ week.
So you think i should bump of the test a bit? only just finished week one.