Newbie Cycle Questions


New member
Hey guys, I'm brand spanking new here and I have a few questions.

I'm thinking of doing a cycle but I'm not sure bout it yet, this is what I'm thinking of doing:

For 8 weeks my cycle would look something like

10mg tab 10mg 50mg tab
1 3 tabs/day
2 3 tabs/day
3 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
4 4 tabs/day
5 4 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
6 3 tabs/day 1 tabs/day
7 Clomid 1 tab/day
8 Clomid 1 tab/day

With milk thistle, ZMA, and Tribulus
clomid - Post cycle

This will be my first cycle, other than test boosters from gnc(if that even counts). I know alot of people advise against orals, but my only hook up is a teammate and all he has is tabs
Will I be able to keep 50% of of my gains or will I loose most of them?

These are my stats:

235 lb - Medium body fat, always bulking
Ive have been lift for almost 3 year, very serious for the year and a half

Bench: 235 this is my least favorite lift due to a shoulder injury
Squat: 470
Power Clean: 260
Push Jerk: 240
Dead lift 315x5
40 yd dash: 4.9
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I'm gonna let the other guys correct you on your cycle. I'm more puzzled with the fact that you can squat 470 but only deadlift 315x5. #thisisntaddingup
I'm gonna let the other guys correct you on your cycle. I'm more puzzled with the fact that you can squat 470 but only deadlift 315x5. #thisisntaddingup
This is because i have been squatting since the 10th grade with football weights, and didn't. start dead lifting until I got to college and started off season weights
Read the sticky up top about oral cycles. I would never do an oral without a base of test. You will lose more than you gain not worth it, do a little more research bud.
Not a good idea bro, it would be irresponsible of us to "ok" this cycle. Hang around the forum, read....A LOT. You'll know exactly what to do and when to do it. All the information is here. If you are not willing to give it the time/effort. Then AAS is not for you. Best regards.
I had a young buddy do a Oral only cycle he just took DBol, Liver Support, and some Nolva. Young kid didn't tell me about it until he was on post cycle therapy (pct) and he told me his girlfriend was caught cheating and that he was having problems performing. Even used viagra and OTC drugs for it and it really messed him up. I'm not sure how he's doing now but I definitely wouldn't rec a oral only cycle if it did this to an otherwise healthy kid.
I would keep searching around for more sources, and get your hands on some test. I can't okay your cycle, it is a bad idea.
If dbol was the only steroid I had access to I still wouldn't do that cycle all that will happen is your gonna get bloated with water shut your natural production of testosterone down then when you stop your gonna lose all that water not be able to get an erection for 6+ weeks feel like a loser and wish you would have never done that. Oh but you'll feel like superman about week 4 though. So whats your decision.... you seem like an intelligent guy what you gonna do?
Obviously its clear not I am not near as ready for a cycle as I thought i was. Thanks for all of your input and steering me in a better direction.
I am very new as well!! A good first cycle is going to be Test based! Be sure you have a good PCT, which is looking really good in your cycle! and an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to keep your Estrogen in check! SO something like this is good:

12 week minimum of a Test E cycle. 500ml a week
Run aromasin 12.5mg Eod to prevent geno and just keep you in balance
and two weeks after your last pin start your PCT which would be
Clomid four weeks 50/50/50/50mg and Nolvadex six weeks 20/20/10/10/10/10mg
And ideally Bloodwork before during and after cycle!

Hope this helps! Just if you hang around this Website for even a little while and read up, you will learn a wealth of knowlege!!

Good luck Bro!