Hi I'm new to this forum and really need all the advice u can give me.... First off let me start by saying I'm 21 I weigh 160 lbs and I'm 5'10. I have weighed 160 pounds for quite some time now. No matter what I do I cant get past that. I have been working out regularly for the past 6 months and I also deliver furniture ( hardwood furniture) to customers on the east coast, I'm always lifting. Anyway I really think I'm ready for the next step. I'm sick of being the small guy on the block and would really like to bulk up and do it right. The last thing I need is my favorite part not working lol. Any help would be appreciated. I've been reading alot on this forum and also others. So I guess my question is what should I be taking / how much? And how long till I see the effects? Thanks for the help in advance.