Newbie looking to start the right way. Is the juice worth it?


New member
Hi I'm new to this forum and really need all the advice u can give me.... First off let me start by saying I'm 21 I weigh 160 lbs and I'm 5'10. I have weighed 160 pounds for quite some time now. No matter what I do I cant get past that. I have been working out regularly for the past 6 months and I also deliver furniture ( hardwood furniture) to customers on the east coast, I'm always lifting. Anyway I really think I'm ready for the next step. I'm sick of being the small guy on the block and would really like to bulk up and do it right. The last thing I need is my favorite part not working lol. Any help would be appreciated. I've been reading alot on this forum and also others. So I guess my question is what should I be taking / how much? And how long till I see the effects? Thanks for the help in advance.
welcome to ologoy.
Even if you take gear and can't maintain a proper diet after the cycle, u won't really keep anything.
all blow up like a balloon and then whoosh all gone lol
my advice, and what others will say, is to get your diet in check cuz I'm same height as you and it took me 3 years to add lean muscle and once i hit 25 i did my first cycle and messed up.
stick around, learn and apply once u r 25.
The truth is it can be very rewarding when the time is right. At your age unless you have been training with a professional trainner training for a sport for 5 years your just not in the fisical condition to to take advantage of them and get the reall benniffits. It takes years of training to get your body to maximum potential. That when it time to use steroids but not till your done growing. I would spend money on a diet program and learn how to eat to grow. And then have fun trying to hit th wall and work past it in your training. If you can eat to grow now you never will on steroids. Welcome to the site. Please don't take offense this is the voice of experence. I've also been at this for most of your life. Give you body a chance to grow naturally . I grew an inch taller between 24 and 25. 5'10 " is kind of short here most of the highs school girls are taller than that . Steroids with stop you from growing any taller.
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You're simply not ready. You're young and underweight, consider it in another 4-5 years after consistent training and good diet. You're in a great position to make some phenomenal gains without drugs. Those come into play once you start hitting road blocks, genetic limits, or performance issues when it's for a sport.

I can with 100% certainty tell you that your weight problem is simply from not eating enough food. I was a skinny kid with a high metabolism that didn't slow down until maybe 23. It sounds insane when you already feel like you're stuffing yourself with food, but sometimes as a skinny dude you have to make those meals count calorie-wise, by leaning more towards foods that are not particularly healthy. For some people a large pizza is a much better choice than rice and chicken.

Track every bit of food you eat for the next couple weeks. Count the calories, protein, fats, and carbs. Don't change anything, eat according to your usual habits, then see what the averages are. From there you have numbers to work from. Slowly add in calories per day by whatever means work best for your preferences, but use some common sense in regards to nutritional foods over garbage.
If you post your diet and training you'll get more help. I would drop the idea of steroids for the moment, you'll shrink as soon as the cycle ends without a good diet and training. Who wants to spend hundreds on a cycle and put weeks into, only to have it fade away because the other variables were not on point? They only supplement the proper lifestyle.
Talk to 3J get on one of his programs. Your issue is definitely all about diet. If your looking to gain you're gonna need alot of calories. You say your working out and you deliver furniture. Your burning a ton of calories at work alone thats a pretty physical job.

The last thing you need is aas.
Talk to 3J get on one of his programs. Your issue is definitely all about diet. If your looking to gain you're gonna need alot of calories. You say your working out and you deliver furniture. Your burning a ton of calories at work alone thats a pretty physical job.

The last thing you need is aas.

he is right... i can add 1-2lbs a week on you naturally.. its all about your diet

i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section you can get a free critique..

or if interested in my services email me at

here is a link to my website 3J's Nutrition
Hi I'm new to this forum and really need all the advice u can give me.... First off let me start by saying I'm 21 I weigh 160 lbs and I'm 5'10. I have weighed 160 pounds for quite some time now. No matter what I do I cant get past that. I have been working out regularly for the past 6 months

you say "no matter what I do I can't get past 160 pounds"; really ? You've only been working out for 6 months!! It takes guys years and years of hard work and diet and training to get big . so really you've NOT done everything you can to get past 160 pounds, because the first thing it takes is TIME, lots and lots of time and patience in the gym and eating consistently for years.
Sounds like my situation when I started gear 7 years ago at 20 y/o. I was the same way, the skinny kid on the block with a bat shit crazy metabolism. Still til this day I can eat absurd amounts of calories, lift harder than anyone in the gym and still struggle with weight gain. Unfortunately the previous posts are correct, even if you cycle and make gains, without a proper diet, and by proper (if you have ectomorph genetics like mine) that means perfect and consistent you will unfortunately lose your gains. It is a battle I have been fighting for the last 7 years.

-Some things to try before getting into gear.
Change your routine.. whether its more volume or heavier weight, train muscle groups more frequently..really really break them down.
Eat less clean..simply put consume more calories..regardless where the source is from. If you are worried about fat gain (I wasn't) Try a bit of empty stomach cardio in the mornings to combat it.

I ate nearly 5 pounds od steak a day, and a bag of egg noodles, half stick of butter, 2 cans of tuna, and half a bag of shredded mozzarella cheese every night before bed for nearly 6 months when was in your shoes. It works. Yes gear helps but like the guys said..its temporary if you cant maintain.
Hey sorry u couldnt post earlier been working all day. I really need to start eating alot more calories it seems. I really appreciate all the posts and help from you guys. I'd like to post a pic but unfortunately I can't figure out how to do that on my Samsung phone? If you guys could help that would be great
Sounds like my situation when I started gear 7 years ago at 20 y/o. I was the same way, the skinny kid on the block with a bat shit crazy metabolism. Still til this day I can eat absurd amounts of calories, lift harder than anyone in the gym and still struggle with weight gain. Unfortunately the previous posts are correct, even if you cycle and make gains, without a proper diet, and by proper (if you have ectomorph genetics like mine) that means perfect and consistent you will unfortunately lose your gains. It is a battle I have been fighting for the last 7 years.

-Some things to try before getting into gear.
Change your routine.. whether its more volume or heavier weight, train muscle groups more frequently..really really break them down.
Eat less clean..simply put consume more calories..regardless where the source is from. If you are worried about fat gain (I wasn't) Try a bit of empty stomach cardio in the mornings to combat it.

I ate nearly 5 pounds od steak a day, and a bag of egg noodles, half stick of butter, 2 cans of tuna, and half a bag of shredded mozzarella cheese every night before bed for nearly 6 months when was in your shoes. It works. Yes gear helps but like the guys said..its temporary if you cant maintain.
I love your avi....holy fuck me!!
Hey sorry u couldnt post earlier been working all day. I really need to start eating alot more calories it seems. I really appreciate all the posts and help from you guys. I'd like to post a pic but unfortunately I can't figure out how to do that on my Samsung phone? If you guys could help that would be great

wait till you get to a laptop and then upload. or someone here can advice on how to upload from your brand phone. Please keep us posted :wavey:
I've taken the advice that you guys have given me. I downloaded a calorie counter onto my phone. Went to the Super market picked up a half pound of shredded mozzarella cheese half pound of sliced honey ham and a half gallon of milk. Gonna eat all that for dinner tonight since I am on the road. Later I will stop again and pick up some more stuff. I will try to upload a few more pics in a minute
I've taken the advice that you guys have given me. I downloaded a calorie counter onto my phone. Went to the Super market picked up a half pound of shredded mozzarella cheese half pound of sliced honey ham and a half gallon of milk. Gonna eat all that for dinner tonight since I am on the road. Later I will stop again and pick up some more stuff. I will try to upload a few more pics in a minute

Good start, now times that food by at least 3 to really eat like you should. Half a pound of ham, half a pound of mozzarella cheese and half a gallon of milk is just a light snack around here.
I'm definitely gonna try to eat as much as I possibly can. I purchased a weight gainer last night been taking that twice a day it's the mhp up your mass. I did a total body workout today maxed my bench out at 190 and curled 125 on the bar. Really kicked my ass today.