Hello everyone i just want to start off by saying this was my first time doing any AAS i was impulsive on doing it and tbh i want to just stay natty until im at least 25 after further research... I realize what i did was wrong so if your gonna bash me save it but all constructive criticism is much appreciated.
I usually research everything throughly when it comes to drugs or anything that can have negative effects, but i made a stupid choice in doing a cycle which my friend recommended when i knew nothing really about AAS. I hope you guys can help me on my issues.
He recommended a anavar only cycle cause apparently i didnt need a PCT. Before i started i asked him multiple times about a pct and he said "dont worry ive done 100mg and im fine" (he also does every other AAS, he started doing them the year before, i believe). He was saying he doesnt know anyone who uses a pct for var but if i really needed it let him know. (and i didnt know shit at the time)
He said all you need is the Var and milk thistle for when you drink Alcohol.
The cycle recommended by my friends was:
Anavar only cycle for 8 weeks (i Only did 7 though, because i would've had to buy another box)
Weeks1-3 40mg
Weeks 4-7 60mg
-20mg pills
My Stats Before cycle:
Height: 5'7/5'8
Weight: 130lbs 4% body fat - ate everything (never ate fast food like McDonnell's though) i would eat until id feel sick (that wasnt enough cals to gain though i was super active- cals out were too high to put on mass at the time) - really strong for my size though on all movements, i trained for couple years prior for strength my weight never bothered me to much because at least i was ripped and strong for my size(hence the reason he recommended var so much)
So i did what he told me week 1-3 40mg, week 4-8 60mg i was feeling good crazy pumps, was already very vascular natural, vascularity stayed the same and even reduced towards end (put on 1-2%fat), appetite Major increased. There would be some days that i would drink alcohol heavy where i didnt take any anavar but just took milk thistle and somedays where i just missed taking 1 of my pills so i ended up having some left over at the end i never used them.
SO i ended up making some amazing gains , by the last week i was 151lbs at 6% body fat. before i was 130 at 4%....
Gained almost 20lbs of muscle during cycle
Stopped taking the Anavar. I was absolutely clueless at this time and was told id be fine so i was not really "looking/waiting" for sides/ anything to happen.
When i stopped i didnt change a thing i lifted and ate, i must say i noticed some mood swings(could not be related idk).
2 weeks went by i think and i was still hovering around 150 until i got sick(<-not related) and lost about 13 pounds so i was at 137 and pissed off that i lost. Not sure how much of that was related to how little i ate because i had NO appetite when sick or if it was a combination of that and hormones. I havent been able to get as hard and there is a decrease in sex drive, but i thought it would come back to normal with time since i was told i didnt need anything and read a bunch var wasnt strong enough to cause anything. Slightest soreness in nipple (didnt even know why at the time)
Fast forward 3 months
145lbs haven't checked bf in a little probably between 5-7%
Ive had the slightest soreness in my nipple but i honestly don't know if its in my head or not anymore. Its just sore when i pinch but idk if its just sore because im pinching it lol...
Haven't been able to get as hard as i did pre cycle, not even close i used to be rock hard (20yr Male) and definitely decrease in sex drive but i can still get it up just not as hard and i can still J/O...
My sleeps haven't been the best either.
Not as motivated in the gym.
Now that I've been doing a lot more research, i now know that my choices weren't the best, even jumping on any AAS was a bad idea.
I just want to be as healthy as i was before, natty and i need help on the steps i should take to achieve that.
So i did some research and although i do know A LOT more now, im still no expert or would even say i know a lot about AAS.
What i came across
I still havent put a name to whats wrong with me is it(Hpta suppression?). Ive read multiple pct protocols that say i should of done clomid 50mg for 14 days, another said 15-30, others say and Others say totally other combinations of protocols (including nolva, hcg)
I'm asking a couple main things.
1. What is my diagnosis based of what i said, is my HPTA suppressed?
2. If i take just the clomid now is it okay 3 months later and will it help.?
3. All the advice/tips/ helpful comments you have for me are much appreciated.
I know ive made mistakes, all i can do now is learn from them and im trying.
Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this for a newbie.
I usually research everything throughly when it comes to drugs or anything that can have negative effects, but i made a stupid choice in doing a cycle which my friend recommended when i knew nothing really about AAS. I hope you guys can help me on my issues.
He recommended a anavar only cycle cause apparently i didnt need a PCT. Before i started i asked him multiple times about a pct and he said "dont worry ive done 100mg and im fine" (he also does every other AAS, he started doing them the year before, i believe). He was saying he doesnt know anyone who uses a pct for var but if i really needed it let him know. (and i didnt know shit at the time)
He said all you need is the Var and milk thistle for when you drink Alcohol.
The cycle recommended by my friends was:
Anavar only cycle for 8 weeks (i Only did 7 though, because i would've had to buy another box)
Weeks1-3 40mg
Weeks 4-7 60mg
-20mg pills
My Stats Before cycle:
Height: 5'7/5'8
Weight: 130lbs 4% body fat - ate everything (never ate fast food like McDonnell's though) i would eat until id feel sick (that wasnt enough cals to gain though i was super active- cals out were too high to put on mass at the time) - really strong for my size though on all movements, i trained for couple years prior for strength my weight never bothered me to much because at least i was ripped and strong for my size(hence the reason he recommended var so much)
So i did what he told me week 1-3 40mg, week 4-8 60mg i was feeling good crazy pumps, was already very vascular natural, vascularity stayed the same and even reduced towards end (put on 1-2%fat), appetite Major increased. There would be some days that i would drink alcohol heavy where i didnt take any anavar but just took milk thistle and somedays where i just missed taking 1 of my pills so i ended up having some left over at the end i never used them.
SO i ended up making some amazing gains , by the last week i was 151lbs at 6% body fat. before i was 130 at 4%....
Gained almost 20lbs of muscle during cycle
Stopped taking the Anavar. I was absolutely clueless at this time and was told id be fine so i was not really "looking/waiting" for sides/ anything to happen.
When i stopped i didnt change a thing i lifted and ate, i must say i noticed some mood swings(could not be related idk).
2 weeks went by i think and i was still hovering around 150 until i got sick(<-not related) and lost about 13 pounds so i was at 137 and pissed off that i lost. Not sure how much of that was related to how little i ate because i had NO appetite when sick or if it was a combination of that and hormones. I havent been able to get as hard and there is a decrease in sex drive, but i thought it would come back to normal with time since i was told i didnt need anything and read a bunch var wasnt strong enough to cause anything. Slightest soreness in nipple (didnt even know why at the time)
Fast forward 3 months
145lbs haven't checked bf in a little probably between 5-7%
Ive had the slightest soreness in my nipple but i honestly don't know if its in my head or not anymore. Its just sore when i pinch but idk if its just sore because im pinching it lol...
Haven't been able to get as hard as i did pre cycle, not even close i used to be rock hard (20yr Male) and definitely decrease in sex drive but i can still get it up just not as hard and i can still J/O...
My sleeps haven't been the best either.
Not as motivated in the gym.
Now that I've been doing a lot more research, i now know that my choices weren't the best, even jumping on any AAS was a bad idea.
I just want to be as healthy as i was before, natty and i need help on the steps i should take to achieve that.
So i did some research and although i do know A LOT more now, im still no expert or would even say i know a lot about AAS.
What i came across
I still havent put a name to whats wrong with me is it(Hpta suppression?). Ive read multiple pct protocols that say i should of done clomid 50mg for 14 days, another said 15-30, others say and Others say totally other combinations of protocols (including nolva, hcg)
I'm asking a couple main things.
1. What is my diagnosis based of what i said, is my HPTA suppressed?
2. If i take just the clomid now is it okay 3 months later and will it help.?
3. All the advice/tips/ helpful comments you have for me are much appreciated.
I know ive made mistakes, all i can do now is learn from them and im trying.
Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this for a newbie.

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