Newbie- Seeking advice/help from the VETS.... PCT?


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Hello everyone i just want to start off by saying this was my first time doing any AAS i was impulsive on doing it and tbh i want to just stay natty until im at least 25 after further research... I realize what i did was wrong so if your gonna bash me save it but all constructive criticism is much appreciated.
I usually research everything throughly when it comes to drugs or anything that can have negative effects, but i made a stupid choice in doing a cycle which my friend recommended when i knew nothing really about AAS. I hope you guys can help me on my issues.

He recommended a anavar only cycle cause apparently i didnt need a PCT. Before i started i asked him multiple times about a pct and he said "dont worry ive done 100mg and im fine" (he also does every other AAS, he started doing them the year before, i believe). He was saying he doesnt know anyone who uses a pct for var but if i really needed it let him know. (and i didnt know shit at the time)
He said all you need is the Var and milk thistle for when you drink Alcohol.

The cycle recommended by my friends was:
Anavar only cycle for 8 weeks (i Only did 7 though, because i would've had to buy another box)
Weeks1-3 40mg
Weeks 4-7 60mg
-20mg pills
My Stats Before cycle:
Height: 5'7/5'8
Weight: 130lbs 4% body fat - ate everything (never ate fast food like McDonnell's though) i would eat until id feel sick (that wasnt enough cals to gain though i was super active- cals out were too high to put on mass at the time) - really strong for my size though on all movements, i trained for couple years prior for strength my weight never bothered me to much because at least i was ripped and strong for my size(hence the reason he recommended var so much)

So i did what he told me week 1-3 40mg, week 4-8 60mg i was feeling good crazy pumps, was already very vascular natural, vascularity stayed the same and even reduced towards end (put on 1-2%fat), appetite Major increased. There would be some days that i would drink alcohol heavy where i didnt take any anavar but just took milk thistle and somedays where i just missed taking 1 of my pills so i ended up having some left over at the end i never used them.

SO i ended up making some amazing gains , by the last week i was 151lbs at 6% body fat. before i was 130 at 4%....
Gained almost 20lbs of muscle during cycle

Stopped taking the Anavar. I was absolutely clueless at this time and was told id be fine so i was not really "looking/waiting" for sides/ anything to happen.
When i stopped i didnt change a thing i lifted and ate, i must say i noticed some mood swings(could not be related idk).
2 weeks went by i think and i was still hovering around 150 until i got sick(<-not related) and lost about 13 pounds so i was at 137 and pissed off that i lost. Not sure how much of that was related to how little i ate because i had NO appetite when sick or if it was a combination of that and hormones. I havent been able to get as hard and there is a decrease in sex drive, but i thought it would come back to normal with time since i was told i didnt need anything and read a bunch var wasnt strong enough to cause anything. Slightest soreness in nipple (didnt even know why at the time)

Fast forward 3 months
145lbs haven't checked bf in a little probably between 5-7%
Ive had the slightest soreness in my nipple but i honestly don't know if its in my head or not anymore. Its just sore when i pinch but idk if its just sore because im pinching it lol...
Haven't been able to get as hard as i did pre cycle, not even close i used to be rock hard (20yr Male) and definitely decrease in sex drive but i can still get it up just not as hard and i can still J/O...
My sleeps haven't been the best either.
Not as motivated in the gym.

Now that I've been doing a lot more research, i now know that my choices weren't the best, even jumping on any AAS was a bad idea.

I just want to be as healthy as i was before, natty and i need help on the steps i should take to achieve that.

So i did some research and although i do know A LOT more now, im still no expert or would even say i know a lot about AAS.
What i came across
I still havent put a name to whats wrong with me is it(Hpta suppression?). Ive read multiple pct protocols that say i should of done clomid 50mg for 14 days, another said 15-30, others say and Others say totally other combinations of protocols (including nolva, hcg)

I'm asking a couple main things.
1. What is my diagnosis based of what i said, is my HPTA suppressed?
2. If i take just the clomid now is it okay 3 months later and will it help.?
3. All the advice/tips/ helpful comments you have for me are much appreciated.

I know ive made mistakes, all i can do now is learn from them and im trying.

Thank you for taking the time to read through all of this for a newbie.:help:
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Wow... your "friend" deserves a solid elbow to the mandible. He could have really fucked you up big time man..

You need to run PCT. I'd say go and get bloods done first but there's probably not much point. Run a proper PCT now, wait six weeks after it's finished then go get a blood test. Hopefully you will be feeling a lot better then anyhow.

PCT will need to be:

Clomid - 50mg daily for four weeks.
Nolva - 20mg daily for four weeks.

Wait six weeks AFTER last dose then go get a blood test done: Total Testosterone, Free T, LH, FSH, Estradiol (e2.) Or you can forego the bloods if you feel back on top, I find a lot of people psych themselves out chasing perfect numbers on a panel. If you feel fine and all symptoms are gone then I'd say it's not entirely necessary.

You can get both from RUI products, they are a board sponsor here and their add for their website is at the top. Get onto this asap.

Stop playing with your nipples. Unlikely you developed any gyno or estradiol problems as Anavar doesn't aromatize. If anything you probably just crashed e2. You may be getting some fluctuations now but the nolva will keep it in check anyway.

You are correct in assuming the likely diagnosis is HPTA suppression. PCT should give it a good kick to get it up and running normally again (we hope.)

Also, your bf measurements are completely wrong. Waay off. There is no way you were ever 4%... or 6 for that matter.
Hey Prince thanks for the reply man

Im sure he wasnt trying to fuck me up on purpose, ill definitely inform him before this happens to someone else.
I wish i at least researched more, my fault.

I wanted to get a blood test too, only thing this is im in Canada and there is no private labs i would have to see my family doctor and give reason.
What should i say to my doctor?
What tests do i need done?

Thank you for the PCT advice i will try getting it asap, does that website ship to Canada?

Haha okay ill stop touching my nipples and hope for the best.

Whats the worst that could happen i guess? TRT for life? and whats the likely hood of that (just thinking worst case scenario)
Also is there anything sides im gonna experience on nolva/clomid at the same time, how will it make me feel? etc Honestly if you dont have the time i can research that on my own.^

I assumed that as well but thats what the machine said, oh well at least i have some values to reference to.

Thanks again for the Help PrinceDianavol
Hey Prince thanks for the reply man

Im sure he wasnt trying to fuck me up on purpose, ill definitely inform him before this happens to someone else.
I wish i at least researched more, my fault.

I wanted to get a blood test too, only thing this is im in Canada and there is no private labs i would have to see my family doctor and give reason.
What should i say to my doctor?
What tests do i need done?

Thank you for the PCT advice i will try getting it asap, does that website ship to Canada?

Haha okay ill stop touching my nipples and hope for the best.

Whats the worst that could happen i guess? TRT for life? and whats the likely hood of that (just thinking worst case scenario)
Also is there anything sides im gonna experience on nolva/clomid at the same time, how will it make me feel? etc Honestly if you dont have the time i can research that on my own.^

I assumed that as well but thats what the machine said, oh well at least i have some values to reference to.

Thanks again for the Help PrinceDianavol

I know, it just shits me big time when guys run around giving advice like they're some guru and end up harming other people... obviously he did little research himself. I'm on TRT because of that exact reason, but the advice given to me was a lot worse and I did a LOT more damage than you did.

I'm not entirely sure about Canadian laws man but I know in America admitting AAS use to your doctor can cause some insurance issues down the track... In Australia where I am it's not an issue as our medical records are kept private. You'll have to find out about your country. If it's safe to do so just tell him what you did and request the tests I outlined for you in the first post.

Yep, you're more likely to aggravate your nipples than anything by playing with them :)

Worst case scenario would be TRT for life but don't even stress about it, that's highly unlikely. Just don't fuck with AAS again until you're over 25yrs and know exactly what you're doing :)
Best case you did zero damage.. more likely that you did some but probably not going to be noticeable. Point is, don't stress it. There's also a chance you sealed your epiphyseal plates and you might not grow anymore.. but also only a small chance considering e2 would be crushed. Again, don't stress it.

I believe RUI does ship to Canada, but check their website. Some people feel a little moody on Clomid, others don't. Just see how you go but either way it's worth putting up with a little moodiness for four weeks to get your HPTA and sex drive back.

Curious... I see a lot of hpta issues being delt with some hcg in there.... thoughts?

hCG is really only needed when significant suppression for longer periods desensitize the leydig cells in the testes. I doubt you need any hCG, and in this case it would be detrimental since you've already started recovering. hCG is suppressive to the pituitary so by using it you would shut down the HPTA again. Clomid & Nolva is all you need unless you're still having major issues after PCT is over and blood tests indicate your testes are unresponsive... not likely man. Go with the PCT, wait out the 6 weeks and test to confirm. You'll be fine :)
Wait a second so your saying you put on 20lbs in 7 weeks from running var at the highest 60mg and your shut down that hard? Sounds to me like your connect charged you for var and gave you dbol, definitely get started on that pct asap and the next time you see that guy drop an elbow
Thanks for all the insight and help... I will be trying to get my hands on a PCT ASAP and research some on the whole doc thing.
Would it be really bad to run the PCT without blood tests?

Another thing i was wondering if you think that PCT protocol is too much as i researched this protocol for lighter/mild cycles, and given my body composition do you think i would benefit more from a PCT protocol like:
weeks 1-2
20mg Nolva ED
50mg Clomid ED
weeks 2-4
10mg Nolva ED
25mg Clomid ED
Your thoughts? (or anyone elses)

Thanks for all the help PrinceDinabol, greatly appreciated.
Wait a second so your saying you put on 20lbs in 7 weeks from running var at the highest 60mg and your shut down that hard? Sounds to me like your connect charged you for var and gave you dbol, definitely get started on that pct asap and the next time you see that guy drop an elbow

Yeah, after some research i thought that could be a possibility as well.
Plus i saw people saying var suppresses appetite and i was more hungry than ever when i was on it...
Same PCT applies though correct?
I'm not sold on your 4%bf bro. Do you have pics?
Also 20lbs of muscle in 7 weeks sounds pretty unrealistic.

Nothing much to add, besides what's already been said in the thread about PCT need.

Also, Anavar only cycles are usually for females.
I'm not sold on your 4%bf bro. Do you have pics?
Also 20lbs of muscle in 7 weeks sounds pretty unrealistic.

Nothing much to add, besides what's already been said in the thread about PCT need.
Hello gunther,
Agreed, i dont believe i am 4% i just use those numbers as reference as thats what the machine told me. I'm going to make and educated guess and say i was 8-10%.
Yes agreed that does sound unrealistic... im guessing if it was dbol it could be water retention?
Thanks for the input Gunther! Much appreciated.
Hello gunther,
Agreed, i dont believe i am 4% i just use those numbers as reference as thats what the machine told me. I'm going to make and educated guess and say i was 8-10%.
Yes agreed that does sound unrealistic... im guessing if it was dbol it could be water retention?
Thanks for the input Gunther! Much appreciated.

Yes, water retention and glycogen :)

I think you should stick to the tried & true PCT I outlined for you above.. no point in skimping on PCT. It's not like Clomid/Nolva are expensive either.
PCT's the most important part of the cycle, best to do it properly.
You're most welcome man. And yea as Prince said PCT is the most important part of any cycle because it will ensure you keep your gains (or most of them) and recover nicely. Clomid personally makes me feel great on PCT, I can definitely feel when it kicks in and when my balls are back to work (morning wood, energy levels, etc).

If you are thinking about a potential future cycle I would stick with Test only for a first cycle man. You can benefit a lot from that.

Also the statement your friend made about milk thistle being advisable for when you drink alcohol is uneducated. Anavar is not among the most toxic oral steroids (especially in low doses) but it can still affect it. I personally like to take liver support any time i'm on orals (milk thistle is good, but NAC is even better) and obviously doing frequent bloodwork to monitor your levels. Only got one liver!

Anyway, those are my two cents, hope you got some enlightenment from this forum, there's a lot of very knowledgeable and experienced guys here
Yes, water retention and glycogen :)

I think you should stick to the tried & true PCT I outlined for you above.. no point in skimping on PCT. It's not like Clomid/Nolva are expensive either.
PCT's the most important part of the cycle, best to do it properly.

Hey PrinceDinabol,
Okay i will take your advice and use that protocol. I did find the one mentioned on a site though, not sure if im allowed to link URL so ill leave it out.

Anyway, those are my two cents, hope you got some enlightenment from this forum, there's a lot of very knowledgeable and experienced guys here

Hey gunther,
Thanks again man for the insight, yeah the forum is great. Thanks for offering the ongoing support in that PM, much appreciated. Happy someones willing to look out for a bro.

EDIT: It wont let me PM you back, Thanks for the message though!
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wait till over age of 24, development is not finished at 20 and using aas can screw you for life. not like adult use. the endocrin system should be left alone. id not do anything else IMO.

and you friend is an idiot (which you clearly see now)
wait till over age of 24, development is not finished at 20 and using aas can screw you for life. not like adult use. the endocrin system should be left alone. id not do anything else IMO.

and you friend is an idiot (which you clearly see now)

Hey Juced_porkchop,
Yeah i do agree the endocrine system is fragile at this time, honestly just a stupid decision. When you say not do anything else you mean AAS, like you think i should still run the PCT correct?
Yes, im pretty upset about it now. I might have to take the advice others previously suggested...i might drop the elbow.
Thanks for the advice.
