Newbie seeking advice, recommendations, and suggestions


New member
Good morning all,

New member to the site and potential new 'user' of....whatever the socially acceptable term for steroid is...LOL. I have never tried any of this and have decided that I may need to look into it. I am 31, 5'9", 150 lbs. (have been same height and 145 lbs. since high school), and I have recently gained 5 lbs. because I started training 3 days a week for a sport. I know that most people say that you should eat, eat, eat, and weight train, weight train, weight train and the fact is that I do eat. Maybe not as much as a guy larger than me, but my metabolism keeps me slim. I weight train between sport training so I'm not lifting weights anymore than twice a week.

I'm here looking for a boost. Some insight on how I can increase strength, physique, power, and speed. Not looking for rapid drastic results but something that I can use break my body out of this shell without horrible side effects. I know nothing about what is out there, what it all does, or how to use it. I am completely green when it comes to this topic. I would prefer something that I can take orally as I don't think my desires are serious enough to warrant injections LOL.

Is it possible to find something that I can take maybe once a week to give me that boost during sport training on Monday & Wednesday and weights on Tuesday & Thursday?

Any recommendations and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
In the main forum there is about 10 stickys at the top with about 6 hours of reading material that will tell u everything you need to know.
Hate to break it to you man but oral only cycles are a no unless you want to get shut down and lose most if not all your gains after cycle. Oral onlys are a horrible idea.
Hate to break it to you man but oral only cycles are a no unless you want to get shut down and lose most if not all your gains after cycle. Oral onlys are a horrible idea.
thats only if you dont know how to do it right though (except the shutdown part. it all shuts you down). if you do it right you can have the same success as your 500 test only with out having to worry about pining and of course it will clear a lot faster if issues arise.
thats only if you dont know how to do it right though (except the shutdown part. it all shuts you down). if you do it right you can have the same success as your 500 test only with out having to worry about pining and of course it will clear a lot faster if issues arise.

Would you honestly suggest or recommend an oral only cycle though?
Would you honestly suggest or recommend an oral only cycle though?

to someone new to aas, to someone wanting to hold off on the pinning, or someone who doesnt need much to get where they want to be that is ready for a cycle. of course why wouldnt i? just the same as i would suggest cutting these front load doses way lower and running them much longer. in the end it works better and when the cycle is done your bloods will be better.
this... you answered your own question, if you ate at the same rate as a larger guy then you then youd pack on weight too


if you arent keeping up with your metabolism you may need to experiment with some different foods. milk and whole eggs in shakes make a good easy weight gainer.