newbie to conversion question


New member
how hard is it to find powders to convert compared to the regular stuff? It's not like the regular local dealers carry this stuff. I can only imagine that its all bought off web sites. I'm really thinking of starting to make my own stuff, i think it would be fun and I would like to know what im putting in my body. but if it's a pain in the ass to find like regular juice then I dunno. Maybe a stupid question bbut i thought I'de ask anyway.
The difficulty of finding a powder source can best be modeled by the following higher-order differential equation:

Lets skip a few steps and find the answer:

After using Bernoulli differentiation and also taking advantage of the fact that this was a H1 ordered equation, we see that the powder source (x) is only as hard to find as you (y) are willing to look. When we take the natural log ln of each term, we see that this is pretty much a fishing thread. C represents scammers who might PM you, and the answer is in general form as follows:
WOW! ok, the only thing i understood was it's only as hard to find if you don't look. I'll look hard then. Question is am i right in assuming web sites are the way to go with the powders? because i know i don't trust sites with regular gear.
jonnym said:
WOW! ok, the only thing i understood was it's only as hard to find if you don't look. I'll look hard then. Question is am i right in assuming web sites are the way to go with the powders? because i know i don't trust sites with regular gear.
The website in question should have a contact email addy for orders and inquiries. Source check with a few people and some mods through secure email.
pullinbig said:
you sure thats not an integral equation? huh dougy?
Using integrals is like using a hammer. Differential equations are like building a house, and in this case I in fact employed the use of that hammer a few times. I also used nail guns and mexicans as well.
if using a hammer is like integral equations then differential equations would be like using a nail puller. =0)
pullinbig said:
if using a hammer is like integral equations then differential equations would be like using a nail puller. =0)
Hmm, i see your train of though, but I disagree. The nail puller would be most appropriately likened to taking the derivative of an equation, not solving a differential equations. I feel that the complexity of some higher order diffeq's and the various methods they require to solve is best fitted to a complex scenerio such as building a house. Where building a house requires tools, diffeq's require a dizzying amount of tools to solve. BTW, im currently failing diffeq. 52 on my last exam. :mad:
i had diff equations in college but then took integral equations the next semester. its a whole nuther world. takes 4 pieces of paper to solve one prob. and then its not an individual answer but a range of possibilities. intgrals are solved in the reverse of diff equations. youll find out next semester. diff are a cake walk compared to intergrals. plus I had a korean instructor you spoke worse english than me. =0)

plus i was lucky to have had a year of calculus in high school before going to college. so diff quations were a breeze fo me.
Im proud to say diffeq is as far as Im willing to go. Im an engineering student, and I much prefer to apply my math, rather than actually understand it.
You two always seem to know how to put the dork into simple chemistry!!lol

Luckily I just woke up so I don't understand any of it (like I would understand it anyway)
DougoeFre5h said:
Im proud to say diffeq is as far as Im willing to go. Im an engineering student, and I much prefer to apply my math, rather than actually understand it.

ahhhh... young weed hopper. i was in school for mechanical engineering. so unless you in the chemical end of it guess what? integral 201 here you come. but if you a chem guy i feel even sorrier for you. all that freakin chemisrty. ewwww makes my skin crawl to think about it. you have learned all the chemistry you need here at :D
damn i knew i shouldn't have skipped chemistry class when my gf needed some f***...
