Next 'Lean' Cycle' thoughts


New member
Hey guys

Going to be running a cycle next year and would like to hear some views on a couple of things.

Done a few cycles consisting of Test E, Deca, Cidoteson and a couple of pro hormone cycles; Haladrol & SDMZ. Looking for that vascular dry look this time, always been so focused on the bulk!

Looking to keep the Test E as my base but contemplating dropping the Deca in favor of either; Boldenone, Tren or Masteron. I've heard Boldenone is good for the vascular look but needs to run at high doses for an ageee, although currently winning me over! Thoughts on Tren or Mast with Test E? Duration?

Or do I just stick with the Decca, blow up and then throw in some Var for the duration or last few weeks to lean out?

Any info here would be great on the Bold, Tren & Mast with Test E!! Or an alternative? Diet is king here for looking lean but what gets those roadmap veins??

Var isnt going to lean you out in the last few weeks after Test E and Deca... Especially the deca.
Id drop the deca and add Some tren, and then add some var at the end.
I've got experience with all these. Test is test, you can use diet to determine how much size you put on. But with Test E AND Deca, that's going to get some size and water on you easily.



How long are you planning on running the cycle?
Yep Deca does blow you up! Was looking at 12 weeks, 10 weeks of Tren then you reckon? How much Tren would you suggest running with 500mg Test a wk? 80mg Var last 3 weeks then.
My last test / tren cycle was

1-14 Cyp 500mg
4-14 Tren A 400mg

Had really really good results off this. Any higher with the Tren and I was feeling like absolute shit but everyones different.
I am a big var fan, I always jump on 4 weeks before the end of cycle and run it a week after my cyp finishes up.
Letrozole was a must for me on cycle too with tren.

Is it!! I wasn't planning on getting Letro in, what dose where you running it at? Any sides? I'll be looking at Tren E to go with Test E, just easier than pinning everyday with the acetate. 150-200mg twice a week of the Tren with 250mg Test same. You think go 14 weeks?
Cheers for the input guys. I was planning on running arimidex throughout, what would you suggest alongside the Tren then? Caber? Will have to see if I can source some.