night sweats after injection


New member
flu like sweats four weeks into cycle

Im on my 4th week of test and deca 500 test per week and 300 deca got night sweats first time,is this normal.and should deca be higher with the
on my 4 week 500 per week test 300 deca first time night sweats same night as injection is this normal and do I need to increase deca
to match the test
I am assuming this isn't your first cycle since you are using Deca. Where dose that wxemestane dosage out your estradiol at?

So you have a Dopamine Agonist on hand? It could be that the Deca is raising your Prolactin. Any ED issues?
will ot have next blood work done untill cycle is done doctor knows what Im on blood work done just before cycle, had shoulder surgery in sept, trying to rebuild
faster to get back to work
No, I mean estradiol. It is a type of estrogen. It is the form that we typically track since it is by far the most potent form.

So on your previous cycles, what was your estradiol level at per your blood work for that dose of test and exemestane? How do you know that is the right dosage for you?

What is your body fat %? Just trying to see how prone you are to aromatization

Have you considered starting your DA now? Which one do you have on hand?
will ot have next blood work done untill cycle is done doctor knows what Im on blood work done just before cycle, had shoulder surgery in sept, trying to rebuild
faster to get back to work

Why not get private blood work done at one of the places shown in my signature?
1 st time deca ?

Try am injects...

Mega s asking thses q s as test and deca together w no countermeasures can make you retain water like Oprah at a fish fry
I also thought about splitting injections to twice a week 300 test anest d 200 deca on tuesday then 200 t and 200 deca on sat
did injection that am , and yes first time deca have done test and equpoise several years ago and two different cycles of test over the last year or so
did injection that am , and yes first time deca have done test and equpoise several years ago and two different cycles of test over the last year or so

I recommend getting blood work tomorrow. Get the Hormone Panel for Females at one of the places listed in my signature below. Also check Prolactin. It is not part of tthat panel unfortunately. Post the results up here so we can see what is going on with you