So I've used a few NO pre workout products for a while, and they are great!!
Problem is, it states that you should not take it with food, so on an empty stomach. Only problem is, I train first thing in the morning, so I have to eat right before I do my workout.
If I take the NO supplement on an empty stomach like they say, I crash really bad after the workout as I've got no food in my stomach, and if I take it with food before gym, I hardly feel the effects.
What to do...
Problem is, it states that you should not take it with food, so on an empty stomach. Only problem is, I train first thing in the morning, so I have to eat right before I do my workout.
If I take the NO supplement on an empty stomach like they say, I crash really bad after the workout as I've got no food in my stomach, and if I take it with food before gym, I hardly feel the effects.
What to do...