No longer seeing benefit from Clen!


My first cycle of Clen was 6-7 years ago, and it worked great. Ever since my first cycle I get nothing from Clen except the damm shakes. A close friend of mine is a national level competitior, and he claims that I should still be able to benefit from Clen if I stack it with T-3. Any feedback regarding this claim would be appreciated.
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Neither clen or T3 will do anyting for you if your diet is not in order and you aren't doing enough cardio. IMO these compounds are an aid to weight loss, but its the diet and cardio that is most important.

How do you know it's not doing anything for you?
Well, I don't agree with anything posted so far.

Clenbuterol works for at least 2 weeks whether or not you perceive the results.

Stacking it with T3 is in fact synergystic, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Nandi has written on this topic.

Finally, whether or not your diet and cardio are in order (which are of course important issues, bigger than whether or not you use clen), clen does in fact work.
Deepglute said:
My first cycle of Clen was 6-7 years ago, and it worked great. Ever since my first cycle I get nothing from Clen except the damm shakes. A close friend of mine is a national level competitior, and he claims that I should still be able to benefit from Clen if I stack it with T-3. Any feedback regarding this claim would be appreciated.

1. How are you running it? Doses, duration?

2. Seeing negative side effects isn't the best way to determine if it is working. Monitoring your body temperature and seeing an increase in it while taking clen is.

3. To see results from clen, you do not have to run it with t-3, but yes they would work well together if your goal is to reduce body fat. But there are a ton of variables that go with this.
Trevdog said:
Well, I don't agree with anything posted so far.

Clenbuterol works for at least 2 weeks whether or not you perceive the results.

Stacking it with T3 is in fact synergystic, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Nandi has written on this topic.

Finally, whether or not your diet and cardio are in order (which are of course important issues, bigger than whether or not you use clen), clen does in fact work.
This is the factual info I was hoping to see. I have competed in 7 BB contests over the years, so of course I understand the necessity of proper diet and training, (cardio). My first cycle of Clen my body temp rose enough for me to notice it as well as seeing the fat come off a bit faster. I believe what I should do if I do choose to use Clen again is to use a thermometer to measure even the slightest increase in body temp. I have always known that Clen and T-3 work synergysticly as you stated, but didn't know if it would make a difference if in fact the Clen wasn't causing an increase in body temp.

Thanks Trevdog for the info!
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Can I see a ref to Nandi's info? Clen is a beta-2 agonist and T3 is a straight up hormone and I'm not coming up with anything to suggest they influence each other.

As with most stimulants, you'll develop a tolerance to them. Antihistamines will have the opposite effect and upregulate your receptors.
I agree with Trevdog and this is from experience Clen and T3 hava a definate synergestic effect. Im currently running them together right now.
Their synergy lies in the fact that they both stimulate the metabolism, for one. I don't believe their is any direct synergies between them, given they are chemically in different categories.
It is common for T3 and clen to be stacked. In fact I'll be using clen/yohimbine/T3 (=helios) injectable in march for the first time. From what I've gathered it should work great.
I only have a sec, but for those of you who haven't read Nandi's writings (RIP), go to and run a search or searches using his name and whatever you want to know about. He was the biggest brain in bodybuilding.