No more Superdrol? Other Designer stuff?

Guys, is there a difference between Methyl 1-A and 1-D by LG? I got 1-D from the Vit. Shoppe and am on week 3 with it, and have seen significant increases in strength and I've put on about 6-7 lbs in that short time. Is 1-A better and/or does it have more (if any) side effects? I plan on taking formadrol after a four week cycle of this - need I take it?
macro said:
superdrol is the most toxic oral steroid available. Did not and dont reccomend it.

actually dont reccomend any of the designer steroids, they are almost exclusively progestins and most of them are methylated.

its legal, but it should not be. the "illegal" steroids are considerably safer. ie if all steroids were made legal, it would be unreasonable to sell it because of its toxicity. IMHO its really should not be sold, and certainly not with the meager, if any, warning about its liver and kidney toxicity.

Agree with all of this.
BiggerthanLavar said:
well, I see your point but it boils down to this for me..I'm scared of the real thing and I'm scared of needles lol.

We've already pointed out to you that the "real thing" is less dangerous than superdrol.

Being afraid of needles is a genuine concern but you must realize its all in your head. I hated needles before I started shooting and now I enjoy it. It really is not a big deal. If you are that afraid of injecting yourself you should probably just stay natural.
LiftTillIDie said:
We've already pointed out to you that the "real thing" is less dangerous than superdrol.

Being afraid of needles is a genuine concern but you must realize its all in your head. I hated needles before I started shooting and now I enjoy it. It really is not a big deal. If you are that afraid of injecting yourself you should probably just stay natural.

yeah, that's my problem. Well, I don't mind somone else doing the injections but I could never do it myself. I guess I just have to eat more lol.
As previously stated, orals are more harsh due to the methyl-group attatchment for greater bioavailability, thus putting tremendous strain on the liver. But, if you're dead-set on them like I was, before you jump to superdrol or an exact copy of it, I would try phera-plex (or an exact-copy as someone posted) instead. The gains aren't as great, but the sides aren't either. I ran a cycle of phera-plex and really only felt the lethargy and back pumps; which were manageable, but killer when doing deads. I gained about 15 lbs. off a 5-week (a bit long) cycle, keeping about 7 of it, and strength went up more than I expected. Overall, I felt it was a good product, but I'm not sure if I would use an oral again. I'd just do the real shit. Just my .02...