No sucess bulkin up


New member
Hey guys,

I've got a serious issue thats really weighting heavy on my shoulders of motivation. I've been seriously working out now for just shy of a year. I work out every day except sat & sun, working a different muscle group each day. I've been taking GNC Mega-Man multi v. every morning and have been stacking Cell_tech & Nitro_tech. I notice a significant muscle strenght increase, a little mass but only a loss in weight. I started lifting @ 150lbs managed to work my way up to 160lbs recently. Now I'm at 148lbs...I dont understand it...I eat 3 or 4 meals a day, as high in calor. and carbs as possible. I know a set eating schedule would probably help me out, but I find it very difficult with working 40hrs a week, 8 hrs of college a wk, and other activitys....can anyone help.
You should eat 5-6 meals throughout the day and stick with low-gi carbs and high protein to bulk up.

You need to post what your diet is, otherwise the info you have is too vague to really tell/see what's wrong with your diet layout.

What's your macronutrient breakdown, exactly how many calories are you taking in everyday and list all/any supplements that you're taking.
Eat every 1-2 hours when possible. Eat everything in sight and train like a madman.
Cell-tech!!! thats your problem, there stuff is only sugar!!
go to Prolab, Ultimate Nutrition, or Optiumum, BEST SHIT ON THE MARKET!!!
gelfreak91 said:
I eat 3 or 4 meals a day.

There is your problem, you need to eat more. Are you counting calories?

And we are all busy. I work full time and have alot of other shit going on too. But I'll grill chicken at midnight or get up at 5 in the morning to cook if I have to. Try cooking a bunch of food on the weekend to eat throughout the week.
not enough food you need to find out how many grams of protein carbs calories your consuming a day post them here and them we can tell you around how much you need to raise them by
I dont really have a set Diet as i stated...I do count calories as...I eat 3000 calories a day, and dont eat anything that has more than 40% of its calories from fat. I appriciate all the responces...but the EAT EAT EAT type of responces dont help me at all. I understand I need to eat as much as possible, but could someone list Some favorite meals they like that are high in calories and carbs but low in fat. If I had specific meals I know I can eat on a regular basis that would be a great start. Plus should I be eating more than 3000 a day...? i am @ 150lbs and I want to get to 180lb get there within a resonable time frame, (i understand its not gonna happen in a month, but it could take as much as a year), how many should I eat...should I cut down fat even more?
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Well you got to bump the cals to 4000, and if that doesn't work then you have to bump it 5000 etc tall are you?

Sounds like you should make a home made weight gainer and sip it all day and all night long. That right there could give you a few thousand more cals a day.

Olive oil, Hemp oil, Flax oil
Skim milk, Whole milk
Cottage cheese, sugar free yogurt
Whey protein, Egg protein, Milk protein powders
Lots of bananas
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries
Peanut butter
Almond slices
Wheat Germ

I like to drink Musclemilk, 20oz skim milk, banana
With that I will eat a few baked potatoes, or a PB&J sandwhich.

With the baked potatoes the total cals is 878
With just the PB&J sandwhich the total cals is 1,088
gelfreak91 said:
Believe me, I know its hard, but you need to read this thread.

You really need to turn your 3-4 meals into 6-8 meals asap.
You don't have to eat 6-8 full meals, just keep your 3-4 meals and add 3-4 shakes and or high cal protein bars. Try to eat or drink (shake) every 1.5-2.5 hours. You really need to bring a cooler to school and to work full of goodies. Try to consume around 800 cals per meal give or take as long as you hit around 5000 cals per day.

As you probably already know, you should already weigh a lot more than you do. At this point fast food can help a bit, but don't over-do it. Eat a few burgers a day for not to long to add more cals. One double cheeseburger at BK has I think 530 cals. They are two for $2 where I live. I can eat two burgers in about 5-7 mins for a quick 1000+ cals and about 60g's of protein. Don't over-do it, but don't cut out to much fat right now. Not at this stage in your transformation. Your goals could be here much sooner than later if you can get a few thousand more cals ED. And thats withought drugs!
gelfreak91 said:
I eat 3000 calories a day...but the EAT EAT EAT type of responces dont help me at all.

If you eat 3000 calories a day and you're not growing, then you need to eat more. If you eat 4000 cals a day and don't grow, then eat more. Keeping eating until you start growing. Plain and simple.
Here is a good protein shake that will add calories, protein, and some good fats to your diet.

2 Cups of Milk
2-3 Scoops Whey (Chocolate)
1 Banana
Huge spoonful of Natty Peanut Butter

Throw this is the blender and chug it down 3 times per day :D

Try and get lots of lean red meat (Steak, Ground Beef) , complex carbs (Oatmeal, Rice, Pasta, Whole Wheat Bread), Chicken, Turkey in your diet. Be creative with your meals!!!!

Go to and enter in all the food you ate today. Once you do that, come back here and let us know how many:
- Calories
- Protein
- Fat
- Carbs
3 or 4 meals a day isn't squat. Eat more often and eat more calories, thats all it takes, if you aren't counting calories you are doing a random unreliable diet.
Calories Eaten Today
source grams cals %total
Total: 3893
Fat: 186 1676 44%
Sat: 65 587 15%
Poly: 32 284 7%
Mono: 79 709 19%
Carbs: 404 1525 40%
Fiber: 23 0 0%
Protein: 154 618 16%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%
Old School Wisdom

You wanted a different type of answer is a tried and true formula that has turned many a boy into a man. Before the advent of juice on the bodybuilding world this is what people did to get big;)

Squat!!! Literally squat your ass off...3 times a one warm-up set then put a weight you can squat in good form(deep) for 10 reps and do it 20 times(make sure to take a deep breath at the top of each rep)! Then your done. Do that 3 times a week.

Keep your meals the same 3-4(make sure they're balanced with protien at each one) and drink a gallon of skim milk a day. Work your way up to a gallon if you have to. Then make sure you get at least 8 hrs of sleep a night.

This should be your motto from now on:Squat,Drink milk, and dont run when you can walk,dont walk when you can stand, dont stand if you can sit...and if you sit you might as well lay down and take a nap. In other words get plenty of rest,sqaut, and drink milk.

Also, you might want to cut your lifting to 3 days a week. Squat first thing. Then follow a basic full-body routine on the big compound exercises.

I gurantee that in 6 weeks people will think your juicing!!!!I'll pay your milk bill if not;)

Read this article

Might want to try this routine:

oi dude i had the exact prob but ive manged to put on 20lbs in a year, u jus have to force urself to eat, set ur alarm on ur fone to go off every two hours, and eat. bring protein shakes to school with you, snack on stuff like peanut butter, and ice cream, nuts and stuff like that. u need to make more of an effort, u really do have to make an effort.

jus get organised and pre plan meals for school and work. ull get used to it and it'll soon become second nature.