Nolva and nolvadex


New member
What's the difference between nolva and nolvadex and where can I get them...I'm a newb some all your help appreciated.
Come on guys - I know it may seem like a stupid questions to most of you guys - but isnt the point of this site to help people regardless of how stupid the questions... and it's not like he asked the best way to do an Anavar only cycle or if he should take Tren and Dbol with no test for his first cycle.... it was an honest questions from someone admittedly saying he's new to all this and interested in finding out info.
Nolva is short for nolvadex, same as when we call arimidex adex or aromasin asin, tren's full name is trenbolone, Anavar (var) = ana Anavar (var) , dbol = dianabol etc. instead of writing the full name.